Welcome to the web pages of the IT Security group!

Novel technologies like Cloud Computing, Ubiquitous Computing, Big Data, Industrie 4.0, and the Internet of Things do not only come with a huge demand for practical and efficient cryptosystems, but also with many novel attack surfaces. The security properties required from cryptographic building blocks for these innovative applications go beyond classical security goals.

Our mission is to provide a solid foundation for the design and mathematically rigorous security analysis of the next generation of cryptosystems that provably meet real-world security requirements and can safely be used to realize secure communication in trustworthy services and products for a modern interconnected society.


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tibor Jager receives the "ERC starting grant" for his project "REWOCRYPT - Theoretically-Sound Real-World Cryptography". With about 1.5 million euros over five years the funding awarded by the European Research Council will allow for top-level research in the field of security analysis of modern cryptographic systems. further reading

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Open master's thesis on Smart Encryption

Smart Encryption binds decryption of a cipher text to conditions such as the fulfilment of a contract on a blockchain. Find more information on the open topic in the section Open Thesis Topics

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/upb/hack was ranked eighth in the Midnight Sun CTF. On April 14th and 15th, the team from Paderborn left hackers from prestigious german and international universities behind and qualified for the final in June 2018 in Stockholm.

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