Thomas Ertl
Institute for Visualization and Interactive Systems, University of Stattgart
email: Thomas.Ertl[a]
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- Title of visualization course: Visualization
- Aimed at what category of students: Students of Computer Science
- Objectives of the course:
- Visualization deals with all aspects that are connected with the visual representation of (huge) data sets from scientific experiments or simulations in order to achieve a deeper understanding or a simpler represenation of complex phenomena. To obtain this goal, both well-known techniques from the field of interactive computer graphics and completely new methods are applied. Based on the visualization pipeline and the classification of mapping methodes, this course will present visualization algorithms and data structures for various kinds of applications and scenarios. Among the topics of this lecture are: huge geometric models (such as terrain models, finite element models from car industry), cartesian 3D scalar fields (such as medical CT-data), unstructured 3D vector fields (e.g., from computational fluid dynamics), and information visualization (such as tables or graphs).
- List topics of course:
- Underlying Principles
- Filtering and Reconstruction
- Basic Mapping Techniques
- Volume Visualization, Indirect Volume Visualization
- Direct Volume Rendering
- Vector Field Visualization
- Tensor Field Visualization
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