Scientific Visualization
Chris Johnson
Department of Computer Science, University of Utah
email: crj[at]
homepage of author:
homepage of course:
- Title of visualization course: Scientific Visualization
- Aimed at what category of students: Students of Computer Science
- Objectives of the course:
- This course presents principles and methods for visualizing data resulting from scientific measurements and computations. The emphasis is on using 2D and 3D graphics to gain insights into multidimensional data sets. Topics include visualization software and techniques, human vision, color mapping, data representation, volume rendering, surface extraction and rendering.
List topics of course:
- Week 1: Motivation: Intro and applications
- Week 2: Data representation and processing
- Week 3: Visualization data structures and software,
- Week 4: Human vision and color
- Week 5: Color visualization (9/23*)
- Week 6: 3D Computer graphics
- Week 7: Volume Processing and Isosurfaces (Fall)
- Week 8: Volume Rendering (10/14*)
- Week 9: Volume Rendering
- Week 10: Vectors
- Week 11: Tensors (VOTE!)
- Week 12: Feature spaces (TEST)
- Week 13: Glyphs and Galleries
- Week 14: Data Visualization Principles
- Hardware:
- Computer - graphics hardware and OpenGL
- CS Grad Lab 3161 (Card Key Access)
- Other CS labs
- Your own computer, VTK download
- Software:
- Web pages (HTML)
- Use submit for cs5630
- Directions on how to run it
- All web pages and links must be in subdirectories of what you submit
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