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High In­terest from Auto­mot­ive In­dustry - Sab­rina Heppn­er presents her work in Kla­gen­furt and Bayreuth.

In their Master Theses, Sabrina Heppner and Marius Dransfeld deal with the development of 3D rendering solutions using a Deferred Rendering pipeline. Their aim is the improvement of virtual street scenes to test camera based Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) (further reading: <link>mather thesis of Sabrina Heppner, <link>master thesis of Marius Dransfeld) which is a contemporary issue in computer graphics research for the automotive industry.  This was confirmed by the acceptance of a paper into the 14th Automotive Software Engineering (ASE) workshop of INFORMATIK 2016 (national symposium of the German Informatics Society) in Klagenfurt (Austria). Furthermore, Sabrina Heppner, M.Sc., got the chance to present similar work in form of a poster on 21th International Symposium on Vision, Modelling and Visualization (VMV) in Bayreuth. 

Sabrina Heppner, M.Sc., at VMV 2016 in Bayreuth.