Found­a­tions of Cryp­to­graphy (in Eng­lish)


News will be posted in PANDA. Foundations of Cryptography (FoC) will be an in-person course again. The tutorials as well as (most likely) the lecture will be held at main campus and not Fürstenallee, as previously published in PAULWe plan to make recordings of the lectures available or even broadcast them live.

Dates and Times

The lecture will be every Thursday at 8:00, starting from April 7. Homework (Type-1 exercises) and tutorial exercises will be released weekly, usually, on the lecture's day. Type-2 exercises will be released, on a more irregular basis, roughly every 2-3 weeks.


There are two types of homework which we provide via Panda and Jupyter. These excercises help you to better understand the concepts from the lecture or to realise where you need to have another look into the contents. Especially, it will help you to answer questions in the exam. You will also be able to earn bonus points for your grade.

Making a long story short: We strongly encourage you to thoroughly work on the homework.

Type-1 Homework

Type-1 homework (Panda) deals with the content of one specific week and is designed for repetition and comprehension. It can be solved within a short timeframe, assuming you've already put some work towards understanding the content.

Type-2 Homework

Type-2 homework (Jupyter) is designed to deepen your understanding by asking advanced questions (potentially spanning multiple topics). These are more time-intensive and may require you to come up with the right ideas. Solving these excersises grants a bonus for your final grade. Type-2 exercises can be solved in groups. Indeed, teaming up often results in a better understanding and, well, more fun.

Tu­tori­al Ex­er­cises

Besides homework, we will provide tutorial exercises (via Jupyter). They will focus on central, more complex parts of the lecture contents and will be discussed in the live tutorials. Furthermore, these exercises may help you to deal with type-2 homework.

Study Achieve­ment (Stud­i­en­leis­tung) and Bo­nus sys­tem

You have to pass the type-1 assignments in 10 weeks in order to earn your study achievement (Studienleistung). This is required to be able to take the exam. A weekly type-1 exercise is considered "passed" if you reach at least 50% of its points.

Given this requirement, if you achieved at least

  • 50% of all points in type-2 exercises and you pass the exam, then your grade will improve by one grade step (e.g., 2.3 to 2.0)
  • 70% of all points in type-2 exercises and you pass the exam, then your grade will instead improve by two grade steps (e.g., 2.3 to 1.7)


The exam will be an oral block exam. You need to register for the exam via PAUL. In PAUL you can also find further details regarding the registration phases. Please do not forget to register for the study achievement (Studienleistung). Relevant deadlines and phases can be found in this general document, which we plan to summarize with respect to our course in PANDA.

We will offer two slots at the end of the semester, one at the beginning and one at the end of the lecture-free time. Concretely, the first block of exams takes place from July 26 to July 27. Very likely, the second block of exams will take place on September 29 and 30. Further details will be announced (e.g. via PAUL, Panda).