Im­port­ant Dates

DateDescriptionPenalty Points*
October 17, 2017Meeting: Kick-off meeting and "Introduction into scientific working" (at Paderborn University, Room ZM1.02-48, at 16:00 to 18:00)6
October 20, 2017Last chance to register for the seminar in PAUL (mandatory)6
November 16, 2017Deadline: Submit outline and literature references1 per day
November 23, 2017Last chance to register for the exam (mandatory)6
December 14, 2017Final presentation of Prof. Schneider’s group (at Paderborn University, Room ZM1.01-28, at 09:00)6
December 19, 2017Meeting: Short Presentation of your topic (at Paderborn University, Room ZM1.03-03, at 14:00 to 16:30)6
January 4, 2018Deadline: Submit preliminary version of the seminar thesis3 per day
January 6, 2018Start of the review phase
January 12, 2018Final presentation of Prof. Maier’s group (at CITEC in Bielefeld University, Room 1-204)6
January 16, 2018Deadline: Submit reviews for the assigned papers2 per day
January 17, 2018Deadline: Submit the questions on the assigned topics3 per day
January 19, 2018Meeting: Final Presentation of our group (at Paderborn University, Room ZM1.01-28 at 09:00)6
February 1, 2018Final presentation of Prof. Diewald’s group (at CITEC in Bielefeld University, Room 1-204)6
February 15, 2018Deadline: Submit the final version of the thesis and the slides3 per day

* Missing at a meeting (without a excuse) or missing a deadline results in penalty points. All participants start with 0 penalty points. If 6 penalty points are reached, we do not issue a “Schein” anymore

Further information: