Stu­di­um Gen­erale

For current computer science study courses

Both the bachelor’s and master’s computer science program include “Studium Generale” courses. For master students this implies 12 ECTS-points, for bachelor students it varies from 5 to 7 ECTS-points because minor subject and Studium Generale courses are added up to 25 ECTS-points in total.

In the English Master in Computer Science there are currently 3 possible standard minor subjects (12 ECTS): Mathematics, Economy and Electrical and Mechanical Engineering. However there is no need to take any of these courses, alternatively the general education ("Studium Generale", 12 ECTS) can be taken. Furthermore every international (non-German speaking) student has to take and pass a German language course (this is not mentioned in the examination regulation). For this reason nearly all non-German speaking students take the general education with the German language course. Students not doing it this way, are already already able to speak German or learn it somewhere else.

Generally, every course offered at Paderborn University can be a Studium Generale course. One examination is possible, yet not obligatory. In case examinations are being graded the grades will not be included in the final grade, however they will appear on the diploma. Courses from the computer science field generally cannot be chosen.

A lecturer can deny course entry without justification. There is no entitlement to participation. Passed bridge courses or general education examinations are not accepted as part of Studium Generale.

Active participation in the university choir “UniSono”, studio stage, big band or a TAP-moderator-training can be recognized as Studium Generale. However, necessary rules of participation as determined by the respective organiser (choirmaster, leader of studio stage, leader of big band, staff unit for university teaching) must be fulfilled.

Studium Generale is great for improving your language skills. Those are key competences that are not only useful for your studies, but can be helpful in your future career. The Centre for Language Studies offers not only general language courses in ca. 18 languages but also technical language courses in English specifically for Computer Science students. This can help you with writing English texts, your verbal competence and other study- or work-related topics. More information here.

Furthermore, there is a list with official courses from other departments for Studium Generale. For these courses admission is ensured. This list will be published on PAUL (the interactive university course catalogue) under the heading “Students of all faculties”.

For verification for accomplished examinations in Studium Generale, a printed form has to be signed by the organiser.

During the application process for courses in Studium Generale make sure to explicitly mark them as Studium Generale, otherwise the subject will automatically be marked as a minor subject.

The student union mathematics/computer science has published useful information concerning Studium Generale here.

ECTS-points for Studium Generale courses are equivalent to their value within their specific bachelor’s or master’s study course. If no ECTS-points have been defined for a

Lecture Exercise Seminars
2 3 1 1 2 4
3 4 2 2 Trial Seminars
4 6 3 3 HpW ECTS
4 4 2 3

Used abbreviation:

HpW: Hours per week in a semester

 CP: Credit points

ECTS: European Credit Transfer System