Com­plex­ity The­ory

Sem­in­ar Quantum Com­pu­ta­tion


  • 27. and 28.01.20 second slot for talks as mentioned in the e-mails.
  • Meeting slides (10.10.19) including list of topics (link).
  • Slides from the introductory talk (23.10.2019): (pptx)
  • You may be interested in our Seminar FAQ

Dates and Times





Until Monday 14th


send top 3 topics and preferred slot


Wednesday 16th


assignment of topics


Until Friday 18th 


exchange topic with willing students and inform us


Individual meetings with supervisor


topic kick-off meeting


23.10.19, 16:15 


introductory talk




Q&A day




first slot for talk


27.01.20 & 28.01.20


second slot for talk




essay draft




deadline: essay final version



First meeting

Here, we will present the available seminar topics and you will be asked to choose one.

Introductory talk

We will give a talk on the style of a scientific paper and how to work with literature.

Essay draft

We strongly recommend that the draft of the essay to be "feature complete", i.e. everything you plan to have in the final essay should be included in this version. This is your chance to get comprehensive feedback on your work.

Talk slides

We ask you to turn in the slides of your talk (presentation). We will give feedback for this.


You will present your topic for all seminar participants and the supervisors. Your talk should last 1h including discussion (so you should plan to talk around 45-50 minutes). 

Essay final version

The final version of the essay should incorporate the feedback given for the draft version and your talk.


All students have to hand in their slides one week before their talk.


Your essay should be 10 to 12 pages. The deadline for the final version of the essay is 16.03.2020. It should be in the style of a scientific paper. If you like, you can use our LaTeX templates as a starting point. 


Your talk should last 1h including discussion (so you should plan to talk around 45-50 minutes). You will be able to show slides (bring your own laptop with HDMI or VGA or contact your supervisor). The format is 16:9. If you like, you can use one of our templates as a starting point.