Recent lectures, project groups, seminars and other courses are listed in the accordion beneath. A preview of upcoming courses can be found further down below, followed by older courses.
Recent Courses
- Lecture: Introduction to High-Performance Computing (Bachelor CS) (Prof. Dr. Christian Plessl)
- Lecture: Advanced Computer Architecture (Master CS, CE) (Prof. Dr. Christian Plessl)
- Continuation of Project Group: Multi-FPGA HPC Applications (Master CS, CE) (Dr. Tobias Kenter)
- Lecture: Introduction to High-Performance Computing (Bachelor CS) (Prof. Dr. Christian Plessl)
- Project Group: Multi-FPGA HPC Applications (Master CS, CE) (Dr. Tobias Kenter)
- Project Group: Multi-FPGA HPC Applications (Master CS, CE) (Dr. Tobias Kenter) - Not enough registrations in winter term, postponed to summer term 2023
- The new lecture Introduction to High-Performance Computing (Bachelor CS, CE) will not be held in winter term 2022/23 and will be postponed to summer term 2023
- Lecture: High-Performance Computing (Master CS, CE)
- Seminar: High-Performance Computing
- Continuation of project group started in winter term 21/22 (Master CS, CE)
Planned courses (forecast)
As of now, the following lectures, seminars and project groups are planned for the upcoming terms. In addition, we will offer CS/CE project groups and/or Systementwurf-Teamproject and seminars (offered irregularly).
Please note, the information for the next two terms should be very reliable. Plans for the longer future are subject to change.
“It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future.” ― Yogi Berra
Planned courses
- Lecture: Advanced High-Performance Computing (Master CS, CE) (new lecture)
- Lecture: Introduction to High-Performance Computing (Bachelor CS, CE)
- Lecture: Advanced Computer Architecture (Master CS, CE)
Previous Courses
- Lecture: High-Performance Computing (Master CS, CE)
- Seminar: High-Performance Computing
- Continuation of project group started in winter term 21/22 (Master CS, CE)
- Lecture: Advanced Computer Architecture (Master CS, CE)
- Project Group: HPC Performance Almanach (Master CS, CE)
- Research seminar: High-Performance IT Systems
- Lecture: High-Performance Computing (Prof. Dr. Christian Plessl)
- Seminar: High Performance Computing (Prof. Dr. Christian Plessl)
- Oberseminar: High-Performance IT Systems
- Colloquium: Parallel Processing
- Lecture: Advance Computer Architecture (Master CS, CE)
- Lecture: High-Performance Computing (Master CS, CE)
- Project Group: System-Entwurf Teamprojekt (Bachelor CE)
- Research seminar: High-Performance Computing
- Lecture: Architektur Paralleler Rechnersysteme (Dr. Jens Simon)
- Seminar: Parallel Architecture Gems (Dr. Tobias Kenter)
- Seminar: High Performance Computing (Prof. Dr. Christian Plessl)
- Project group (second semester of one year project): FBench: Defining and Optimizing OpenCL Benchmarks for FPGAs (Master CS, CE)
- Oberseminar: High-Performance IT Systems
- Colloquium: Parallel Processing
- Lecture: Rechnerarchitektur (Computer Architecture) (Bachelor CS, CE, EE)
- Lecture: High-Performance Computing (Master CS, CE)
- Project Group: FBench: Defining and Optimizing OpenCL Benchmarks for FPGAs (Master CS, CE)
- Project Group: Number Crunching with GPU-Tensor Cores (Bachelor CE)
- Lecture: Architektur Paralleler Rechnersysteme (Dr. Jens Simon)
- Project group (second semester of one year project): CustoNN2 – Customizing Neural Networks on FPGAs (Master CS, CE)
- Oberseminar: High-Performance IT Systems
- Colloquium: Parallel Processing
- Lecture: High-Performance Computing (Master CS, CE)
- Lecture: Rechnerarchitektur (Bachelor CS, CE)
- Project group: CustoNN2 – Customizing Neural Networks on FPGAs (Master CS, CE)
- Oberseminar: High-Performance IT Systems
- Colloquium: Parallel Processing
- Lecture: Architektur Paralleler Rechnersysteme (Dr. Jens Simon)
- Seminar: High-Performance Computing with FPGAs
- Oberseminar: High-Performance IT Systems
- Colloquium: Parallel Processing
Please note that the lecture Hardware/Software Codesign will not be offered as a regular lecture in summer term 2018. It is planned that the lecture will be held in a revised form in an 6 ECTS format in summer term 2019 again.
If there is sufficient demand from students of the Computer Engineering Master's program (old regulations, pre WS 2017/18) that need to take HW/SW Codesign as part of the mandatory Computer Science module I will offer a version of this lecture as a block course. The date and format of this course will be discussed with the students concerned.
- Lecture: High-Performance Computing (Prof. Dr. Christian Plessl)
- Project group (second semester of one year project): CustoNN – Customizing Neural Networks on FPGAs (Dr. Tobias Kenter, Prof. Dr. Christian Plessl)
- Oberseminar: High-Performance IT Systems
- Colloquium: Parallel Processing
- Lecture: Hardware/Software Codesign (Prof. Dr. Christian Plessl, Dr. Tobias Kenter)
- Lecture: Architektur Paralleler Rechnersysteme (Dr. Jens Simon)
- Project group: CustoNN – Customizing Neural Networks on FPGAs (Dr. Tobias Kenter, Prof. Dr. Christian Plessl)
- Oberseminarseminar: High-Performance IT Systems
- Colloquium: Parallel Processing