Lo­gic Pro­gram­ming for Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence

PAUL course number: L.079.05808 

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Stefan Böttcher

Start now with fulfilling prerequisites if you consider to join the course!

The official start of this course is on Wednesday 10th of April 2024 at 13:30 s.t..
Lecture time is 13:30-16:00 with a short break in between.

Exercise time is Tuesday 11:15-12:45 (s.t.), starting 16.4.2024.

This course has prerequisites (Chapter 0) which should be completed before the course starts. The prerequisites material and communication requirements will be published and extended stepwise (without additional notice) on the PANDA page of this course.


About the course:

We at Artificial Intelligence from a logic point of view. This is a traditional view to AI problems like question answering systems, automated translation, reasoning - as opposed to the modern main-line approaches using machine learning, statistics and neural networks. That is, we focus on a logic-based programming view of topics like parsing, text understanding, puzzles, strategic games, rule-based systems, etc.. Furthermore, basic principles of all AI application areas are demonstrated via running example programs provided in the programming language Prolog which allows a different view to programming, parsing, reasoning and other topics.