Sem­in­ar: Al­gorithms on massive data and rule-based sys­tems

Number L.079.08???
Place see below
Dates see below
Lecturer Prof. Dr. Stefan Böttcher
  Seminar: Algorithms on massive data and rule-based systems

Requirements and deadlines:

  • Dates and times of the seminar will be:
    Thursday 10.10. at 14:15 in F2.211:
    First meeting and introduction to the topic list
    announcement of further deadlines and requirements for the seminar
  • Wednesdays 16.10., 23.10., 30.10., and 6.11., each 11:15-12:45 in F1.110:
    Primer on scientific work (given by Christoph Sommer)
  • By 12.11.2019:
    You hand in:
    1. Structure of your talk,
    2. schedule of your slides,
    3. your own self-developed examples to explain the algorithms of the paper
    (via email to Rita Hartel (, Peter Pfahler (, or Stefan Böttcher (, depending on the selected topic)
  • 13.-20.11.2019:
    Appointment with Rita Hartel, Peter Pfahler, or Stefan Böttcher discussing your material
    (note that 21.11.2019 is the last day to deregister from the seminar, if the feedback to your material is not positive)
  • 6.12.2019:
    You hand in the first complete version of your presentation slides
  • 9.12.2019 - 13.12.2019:
    Appointment with Rita Hartel, Peter Pfahler, or Stefan Böttcher discussing your presentation
  • 13.1.2020:
    You hand in a written version of your seminar paper
  • beginning of February (exact dates to be announced):
    You will get feedback to your seminar paper
  • 12.-14. and 17.-19. February (exact times to be announced):
    Seminar presentations
    (You are requested to attend all presentations)
  • 29. February
    You have the final version of your seminar paper ready

Topic list (in PANDA)