Data­bases and In­form­a­tion Sys­tems

Number L.079.05532
Place Lecture F1.110 , Exercises F2.211
Dates Lecture: Tue., 11:14-13:44 h, starts 8.10.2019
Exercises: Mon., 9:14-10:44 or Mon., 11:14-12:44 start 14.10.2019
Lecturer Prof. Dr. Stefan BöttcherDr. Rita Hartel
PANDA-Course Databases and Information Systems (available by 7.10.2019 evening)


Programming exercises are mandatory for completing the exam successfully.
Students do individual programming exercises and present and explain their programs during the exercise times.
Exercises can be downloaded every Tuesday directly after the lecture and are due by the following Monday (6 days later).