Gradu­ate Schools

Apart from the opportunity to graduate as a research assistant in one of our research groups, our graduate schools offer state of the art research with emphasis on a particular field of research. The Paderborn Center for Advanced Studies in Computer Science and Engineering (PACE), offers further information.

Mar­ie Skłodowska-Curie In­nov­at­ive Train­ing Net­work Know­Graphs (copy 2)

KnowGraphs was an EU-funded training network led by Prof. Dr. Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo of the University Paderborn. Receiving € 3.87 million, this Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network (MSCA-ITN) offered 15 fully funded doctoral positions including trainee stays in companies and further educational measures.

Thematically, KnowGraphs dealt with the role and utilization of knowledge graphs, a family of data representation mechanisms. As an AI key technology, graph-based approaches have become indispensable for the intelligent handling of large amounts of data or even search queries.

The research topics of KnowGraphs were focused on the scalability of knowledge graphs to make them accessible to a wide audience of users across multiple domains. This audience ranges from companies of different sizes and domains—like Industry 4.0, biomedicine, finances and law—to single users that are supported by personal assistants. To this end, the PhD candidates in KnowGraphs worked on a mixture of topics ranking from theoretical foundations to the practical usage of knowledge graphs and their economic effects.

KnowGraphs focused on addressing four of the facets of knowledge graph management: (1) representation, (2) construction and maintenance, (3) operation and (4) exploitation. The project addressed these pillars by researching and developing novel methods, models and frameworks using a cross-disciplinary mix of methods from Web Science, Data Science, Knowledge Representation, Knowledge Engineering, Big Data, data law, and business innovation. The results will be applied across sectors, i.e., in domains including personalized medicine, Industry 4.0, question answering, personal assistants and Web search.


Funded by: European Union


Graduier­ten­kolleg Hu­man Centered Sys­tems Se­cur­ity NERD.NRW (copy 2)

The postgraduate research training group NERD (North Rhine-Westphalian Experts on Research in Digitalization) is funding your researchers in IT-security at universities and universities of applied sciences in North Rhine-Westphalia to promote research in the area of Human Centered Systems Security. Young researchers from different locations and principle investigators are (often for the first time) cooperating on shared projects. Heart of the training group is the research in groups of two across universities.

At Paderborn University, the Software Engineering group participates in NERD. In a collaboration with the Usable Security and Privacy group of Bonn University, the researchers were working towards novel user-experience concepts for code-analysis tools.


  • Universität Bonn
  • RWTH Aachen
  • TH Köln
  • FH Aachen
  • Hochschule Ruhr-West
  • Ruhr-Universität Bochum
  • FH Münster
  • Uniklinik Münster

Funded by: NRW

NRW Forschung­skolleg: Design of flex­ible work­ing en­vir­on­ments - hu­man-centered use of Cy­ber-Phys­ic­al Sys­tems in in­dustry 4.0 (copy 1)

For production companies, the transition to Industry 4.0 opens up great opportunities for modernization and the associated increase in the efficiency of production processes. In addition to the still largely existing technical challenges involved in developing such systems, the role of employees throughout the entire value chain is undergoing considerable change. The seamlessly networked, dynamic and real-time-oriented processes fundamentally change work processes and require more flexible employment. The challenge lies in the development of new social infrastructures, which anticipate rapid technological development and see the human being as the focus of development throughout his entire working life. 

Therefore, the NRW Forschungskolleg dealt with the following topics:

(1) Transition to people-centered, flexible and adaptive work processes, taking into account their social embedding and organisational justice.

(2) Use of learning, intelligent assistance systems in the form of cyberphysical devices.

(3) Development of a requirement oriented system engineering approach as a basis for interdisciplinary cooperation.

(4) Investigation of the resulting changes in occupational requirements with consequences for initial and continuing training and learning at the workplace.


Universität Bielefeld

Funded by: NRW
