Re­search As­so­ci­ates (PhD and PostDoc)

There are currently no specific open positions, but we are continually looking for research assistants to work in one of the following fields:

  • Applied cryptography (e.g., protocols such as TLS or SSH)
  • System security (e.g., fuzzing, reverse engineering or microarchitectural attacks)
  • Web security

If you would like to work in one of these fields or have general questions about a PhD in our group, please contact Juraj Somorovsky. We will get in touch with you as soon as we have specific open positions.

Stu­dent as­sist­ants in the field of teach­ing (SHK, WHB, WHK)

We are always on the lookout for students who are interested in working as teaching assistants on our courses. Prerequisites for this position are successfully completed lectures such as IT Security or Real World Crypto Engineering. For further information, please contact Juraj Somorovsky with your CV and an extract of your grades.