Poor­ni­ma Ka­rup­pa­sa­my

Concept and Prototypical Implementation of a Website Maintenance Tasks Management Tool

Website maintenance is the process of continuously updating websites for web users’ benefit by providing real-time information. During website maintenance, different pieces of information on the website are subjected to change. Moreover, certain maintenance tasks are necessary to be performed on a regular basis. Therefore, to keep track of changes during website maintenance phase and to easily manage the maintenance tasks, a task management tool is required. Task management is the process of tracking and managing tasks throughout its life cycle. Recently, several web-based task management tools have been developed. However, these tools differ in the way of providing functionalities for managing tasks that make it difficult for website administrators to track the changes required to perform on the website. In this thesis, an analysis of website management approach for managing changes on the website is carried out. Also, based on the analyzed approach, a web-based task management tool prototype has been developed, which allows the website administrators to manage the maintenance tasks easily.