IT Se­cu­ri­ty "Stamm­tisch"

In cooperation with /upb/hack, we organize an IT Security "Stammtisch". The purpose of our "Stammtisch" is to bring together local developers from the Paderborn area and our UPB students, who are interested in IT security.

Because of the Corona restrictions, the next lectures are oganized online using The event is of course open  to everyone.

After the first kick-off lecture provided by Marcus Niemietz (on Clickjacking and UI-redressing), we will have the following lectures in the next weeks:

  • 26.5.2021. 17:15. Marius Steffens. Content Security Policy.
  • 30.6.2021. 17:15. Christian Mainka. Attacks on OpenID Connect and OAuth.
  • 14.7.2021. 17:15. Vladislav Mladenov. PDF interactive features.

If you want to attend our "Stammtisch", please sign in using our gathio event scheduler:

This will help us to estimate the number of attendees of our event. There you can also see our up-to-date schedule of our next lectures.