What is GRASS?

GRASS (Geographic Resources Analysis Support System) is a public domain raster based GIS, vector GIS, image processing system, and graphics production system. Written by the US Army Corps of Engineers, it is used extensively at government offices, universities and commercial organisations throughout the world. It is written mostly in C for various UNIX based machines. GRASS contains over 40 programs to render images on monitor and paper; over 60 raster manipulation programs; over 30 vector manipulation programs; nearly 30 multi-spectral image processing manipulation programs; 16 data management programs; and 6 point file management programs. 
GRASS' strengths lie in several fields. The simple user interface makes it an ideal platform for those learning about GIS for the first time. Users wishing to write their own code can do so by examining existing source code, interfacing with the documented GIS libraries, and by using the GRASS Programmers' Manual. This allows more sophisticated functionality to be fully integrated within GRASS. 
Supported Platforms: Win32, Linux, UNIX, MAC


More about GRASS: 

GRASS Homepage Official GRASS GIS homepage Europe.
Screenshots Screenshots of GRASS in action.
Download Download the latest version of GRASS for free.