Fi­nal Thes­is

A list of the currently offered topics for a Bachelor's Thesis or a Master's Thesis can be found either online on the overview for theses at the different chairs or posted on the bulletin boards outside the professor’s offices.

Registration of a final thesis

Step 1: The student applies in PAUL that they wish to write the final thesis, specifying the first and second supervisor.

Step 2: The Central Examination Office checks whether the admission requirements are met and, if so, activates the registration form. The student should keep an eye on their PAUL account to know when the form is activated.

Step 3: The student fills in the application form as far as possible and signs the form.

Step 4: They send the form together with the proposal and the work plan to the first supervisor – either by e-mail or personally.

Step 5: The first supervisor signs the form to confirm that they have received the proposal and the work plan.

Step 6: The first supervisor sends the signed form to the Central Examination Office. Ideally, a copy is kept at the secretariat of the first supervisor in case something goes wrong. If there have been any modifications to the form sent by the student (start of term, second supervisor, …), these should be explicitly mentioned in the notification sent to the Central Examination Office. If the first supervisor is not able to sign the form for any reason, they write the required information in an e-mail to the Central Examination Office and confirms that they have received the proposal and the work plan.

Step 7: The first supervisor informs the second supervisor (by sending a copy of the e-mail to the Central Examination Secretariat, e.g.) and sends the proposal and work plan to them by e-mail.

Step 8: The Central Examination Office informs the student by mail and through PAUL that the thesis has been registered and the deadline for submission.


Submission Options for Theses

In principle, final papers can always be submitted in person or electronically around the clock, on the last day of submission at the latest by 24:00.
Instead of submitting printed and bound copies, it is possible to submit a digital version from your university e-mail account to the relevant Central Examination Office (ZPS) processing department and the supervisor (in one e-mail). Here you will find information about submission regulations and the risks, which you must have taken note of in the application for admission to the thesis.

Submission by post. The postmark is decisive for the submission date.

It is also possible to hand in your thesis at the Central Examination Office, but only during office hours. Please do not put your final thesis in the letterboxes outside the offices of the Central Examination Office (ZPS), but use the Service Center or the guard outside the office hours (in an envelope addressed to the ZPS).
Of course, the relevant information and regulations in the respective application and letter of admission for the thesis and the corresponding examination regulations also apply.
Only the ZPS confirms the timely receipt of theses by entering the submission date in PAUL under "My exams".
A valid enrolment status in the corresponding degree programme ("immatrikuliert" or "beurlaubt mit Prüfungsberechtigung") must be available when submitting the final thesis and, if applicable, providing further final credits!

Submission Modalities for Theses in the Computer Science Degree Program

Delivery modalities for regular delivery
If the result is code or a program or similar, this is not to be sent in the e-mail, but separately to the examiners (after consultation with them).
The information in the table below only applies if the submission is made in the printed form in accordance with the examination regulations, i.e. not in the case of electronic submission in accordance with the regulations by university e-mail...

Study program

Number of copies printed...

... and electronic mandatory version

Computer Science Bachelor


yes, to first referee ("cc" to ZPS processing) by e-mail or physical medium (USB stick, etc., please enclose in a small envelope with the printed copies)

Computer Science Master


yes, to the first examiner ("cc" to ZPS processing) by e-mail or physical medium (USB stick, etc., please enclose in a small envelope with the printed copies)

Master’s Thesis

In a Master’s Thesis, candidates demonstrate their ability to independently perform scientific research on an appropriately challenging theme that also provides them the opportunity to develop their own ideas. On the basis of the "state-of-the-art" processes, the students must systematically apply the methods of computer science and they reveal their results in a public presentation open to all faculty members.
Writing a Master’s Thesis usually requires 5 months (full-time). Before this period begins, candidates must first design a work plan, amounting to a total of 5 ECTS credit points and roughly equivalent to one additional month of full-time research. Therefore, the total workload for a Master’s Thesis amounts to 6 months.

Here you can find a LaTeX template for theses that you can use if you wish it.


Submission Options for Final Theses

Official announcements (Amtliche Mitteilungen)

Regulations governing online examinations and the electronic submission of theses (Ordnung zur Regelung von Online-Prüfungen und der elektronischen Abgabe von Abschlussarbeiten)