Study of­fice

The Computer Science Office is your central point of contact for a wide range of issues relating to your studies. From questions about the recognition of academic achievements from a previous degree programme to examination regulations, it offers you comprehensive advice. You can reach the Office of Student Affairs in person during office hours and at any time by email to find solutions together for all challenges during your studies. In addition, a livestream is offered twice a month on YouTube, where you can clarify all your questions in direct dialogue.

Con­sulta­tion hour


Thursdays, 10:00 - 11:00 a.m.

For all enquiries and advice, please contact us at any time by email at

You can also make an appointment for a video conference with us.

You are welcome to come to the consultation hour in person without registering. Please note that we are not located on campus but at Fürstenallee 11.



Neue Prü­fung­sord­nung ab Win­tersemester 2024/2025

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Re­geln und Ter­mine für An- und Ab­mel­dun­gen zu Lehrver­an­stal­tun­gen und Prü­fun­gen für das Som­mersemester 2024

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Live-Stream: On­line-Stud­i­en­ber­a­tung für den Bach­el­or- und Mas­ter­stud­i­engang In­form­atik

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Live-Stream: On­line-Stud­i­en­ber­a­tung (Mas­ter In­form­atik)

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Live-Stream: On­line-Stud­i­en­ber­a­tung (Bach­el­or In­form­atik)

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Live-Stream: On­line-Stud­i­en­ber­a­tung (Mas­ter In­form­atik)

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Live-Stream: On­line-Stud­i­en­ber­a­tung (Bach­el­or In­form­atik)

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Live-Stream: On­line-Stud­i­en­ber­a­tung (Mas­ter In­form­atik)

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Live-Stream: On­line-Stud­i­en­ber­a­tung (Bach­el­or In­form­atik)

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Live-Stream: On­line-Stud­i­en­ber­a­tung (Mas­ter In­form­atik)

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Live-Stream: On­line-Stud­i­en­ber­a­tung (Bach­el­or In­form­atik)

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Live-Stream: On­line-Stud­i­en­ber­a­tung (Mas­ter In­form­atik)

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Dr. Harald Selke

Study Office Computer Science

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Lennart Clausing, M.Sc.

Computer Engineering

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Dr. Rita Hartel

Study Office Computer Science

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Dr. Jana Seep

Study Office Computer Science

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Jennifer Lohse

Study Office Computer Science

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Irene Roger

Study Office Computer Science

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Cornelia Wiederhold

Study Office Computer Science

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