Are you motivated and want to make a difference?

Then you are already one of our students or would like to be soon.

We are delighted, becauseStudying at the Institute of Computer Science at Paderborn University is the right decision!


For years, Paderborn's Computer Science department has occupied one of the top positions in the CHE rankings (see current rankings). We are recognised as being particularly excellent in terms of student support, the range of courses on offer and the practical relevance of our degree programmes.

We offer our students numerous opportunities to individually organise and determine their studies and academic career (e.g. by spending a semester abroad at one of our partner universities). In addition to the wide range of options for specialising in our Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes, we also promote the possibility of doing a doctorate.

On this website you will find all the information about our Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes as well as an overview of all the advice and support services we offer to help you through your studies in the best possible way. Take a look around.

Our study pro­grammes

The degree programmes at the Institute of Computer Science at Paderborn University are characterised by their distinct scientific orientation, specific focal points in terms of content and the appropriate design of the forms of study used. The degree programmes are not limited to the teaching of current content, but are based on theoretically underpinned fundamental concepts and methods that endure beyond current trends.

By focussing on the fundamentals, they enable graduates to work successfully throughout their careers. The entire design of the degree programme takes this global objective into account. To this end, fundamental concepts are presented in cross-sectional courses in a coherent and interdisciplinary manner, a sound education in mathematical fundamentals is imparted and broadening and in-depth modules in individual areas are offered.
All our degree programmes are offered in the Bachelor-Masters system.

You can find more information on the individual degree programmes on the pages linked below.

Bach­el­or de­gree pro­grammes

Com­puter sci­ence

You can find all the information about the degree programme here. In addition to the module handbook and examination regulations, there are many other study elements and tips that you can find here.

Com­puter En­gin­eer­ing

Would you like to know more about the combination of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering in the Computer Engineering degree programme? You can find all the details here.

Teach­er train­ing in com­puter sci­ence

As a Bachelor of Education, you will find all the content for your teacher training course and a complete overview of the study programme here.

Mas­ter's pro­grammes

Com­puter Sci­ence

You want to deepen your knowledge and are looking for some more information about your degree programme and other options for your Master's degree. You've come to the right place.

Com­puter En­gin­eer­ing

The international study profile in Computer Engineering offers you a lot. You can plan your Master's programme here.

Teach­er train­ing in com­puter sci­ence

Being properly prepared for the teaching profession means gaining a lot of practical experience as well as theoretical knowledge. Find out here what the Master of Education offers you.

Counselling and support services

Study office

The Computer Science Office is your central point of contact for a wide range of issues relating to your studies. From questions about the recognition of credits from a previous degree programme to examination regulations, it offers comprehensive advice. You can contact the Office of Student Affairs in person during office hours and at any time by email to help you find solutions to all the challenges you face during your studies.

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Lernzentrum Informatik

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Further topics

Student financing

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Scholarships/funding programmes

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Study abroad

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Fi­nal theses

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„Paderborn provides a serene environment away from the hustle and bustle of crowded cities, fostering an ideal atmosphere for focused studying. [...] My experience at UPB has been truly outstanding, owing to its wide array of opportunities, supportive community, and favorable learning atmosphere.”

Katherin Jose,
Student from India

More in­form­a­tion


PAUL is the system in which you manage all your courses and examinations. This is where you have to register for exams, seminars or similar.

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Cent­ral Ex­am­in­a­tion Sec­ret­ari­at

The Central Examination Office can provide you with information and advice on all examination-related questions concerning your degree programme. This is where admissions to all types of examinations are processed and certificates such as transcripts of records or final documents are issued.

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