Die Arbeitsgruppe IT Sicherheit wurde mit dem Ausscheiden von Prof. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tibor Jager aus der University Paderborn am 30.09.2019 aufgelöst. Sie finden hier noch die Seite im letztgültigen Zustand.
Prof. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tibor Jager wechselte an die Universität Wuppertal; Sie finden die Seite der neuen Arbeitsgruppe hier.
Novel technologies like Cloud Computing, Ubiquitous Computing, Big Data, Service Oriented Architectures, Industry 4.0, and the Internet of Things come with many novel attack surfaces. This yields a huge demand for security mechanisms that are usable in practice, even on simple and "lightweight" devices, and must achieve security properties that go significantly beyond classical security goals.
Our mission is to provide a solid foundation for the design and security analysis of applications that communicate over insecure networks. We develop techniques that can safely be used to realize secure network communication for a modern digital society.