In­ter­view with Alan Kay (Ger­man)

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Study pro­gram Com­puter Sci­ence (Ger­man)

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Im­age film - In­sti­tute for Com­puter Sci­ence UPB Con­tent (Ger­man)

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In­ter­view with Dipl.-In­form. Mat­thi­as Keller (Ger­man)

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Lec­ture Hall Stor­ies - Helena (Ger­man)

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Lec­ture Hall Stor­ies - Paul (Ger­man)

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PG "High Per­form­ance Em­bed­ded Pros­thes­is Con­trol­ler" Com­puter En­gin­eer­ing (Ger­man)

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Lec­ture Hall Stor­ies - Thor­sten (Ger­man)

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Lec­ture Hall Stor­ies - Melanie (Ger­man)

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