In­form­a­tion for First-Semester Stu­dents

Is this your first semester at the University of Paderborn, and do you still need lots information? With the following points, links and downloads you can find all kinds of useful information on how to start up your university studies.

The student council for Mathematics and Computer Science and your mentor will accompany you throughout your academic career and can help you with almost all of your questions. With the information shown here, we will try to fill in any questions that might remain.

The Department of Computer Science is combined with the Department of Mathematics and the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering to form the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics (EIM), headed by a Dean. Look here for the current structure of the EIM Faculty.

The Department of Computer Science is run by a Director and a Vice Director and is supported by the Office of Computer Science. This is your primary personal contact for all questions and concerns about the Department.

To successfully complete your university degree, it is important that you become familiar with the regulations for academic studies and examinations that apply to your field of studies. These documents provide information on the organization and procedures of university studies, on examinations, and on the rules pertaining to the final thesis. Please also pay attention to any current notifications and alterations posted by the Examination Committee and by the Central Examination Office. You can find this information, as well as the currently valid regulations, on the pages of the examination bodies of the Computer Science Department.

The Department of Computer Science has a special representative (Prof. Dr. Christian Scheideler) who you can contact for any questions about BAföG (BAföG is only available for students with German nationality). For additional information and examples on how to finance your studies, see the Educational Fund OWL e.V

The Department of Computer Science puts particular attention on the transfer of technology and research. through our renowned research establishments our future graduates get the opportunity to gain insight into interdisciplinary research, to work hand in hand with scientists and to establish first contacts with our industrial partners.


  • In Software Quality Lab (s-lab), you work with industrial partners in joint projects on current issues in software development and software quality assurance. 
  • HPC is considered the Formula 1 Race of the computer world and PC ² (Paderborn Center for Parallel Computing), where HPC is researched, has its home here at our university. HPC not only handles setting up fast computers, but also develops, constructs and manages complex distributed systems in combination with exciting applications.


Together with industrial partners and interdisciplinary cooperation with scientists from other fields, we delve into key topics and solve multifaceted issues in many diverse research projects and industrial projects. Our student assistants are fully integrated members of our team and make valuable contributions with their experience and own interests. For more information on student assistant positions, Bachelor’s or Master’s theses, and our project groups or see our websites.

Further information: