LZI Vor­trag: Di­gitale Selb­stver­tei­di­gung

Date: 08.12.2020, 16:30 – 18:00, Online-Session
Title: Digitale Selbstverteidigung
Moderation: Andre Tenbuß
Company: mindsquare GmbH


  • Entry into the data age: A brief comparison with the demand for oil in the 20th century and the current state of the art.
  • Use cases of promising Big Data and IoT devices. How will Big Data make our lives easier in the future?
  • Why a change in awareness is important for my digital future. My thesis is: At this point in time it is impossible for almost everyone to understand where and by whom personal data is collected and how it is used. In this block, various eye-openers (also for computer scientists) are presented that give the topic of data protection a new relevance. Why should I care about the protection of my data from now on?
  • Practical examples why I should not blindly rely on the awareness of IT security of others (companies or technologies).