LZI Work­shop: Level UP - Hack­a­thon

Date: 18.03.2021 11:00 a.m. and 19.03.2021 3:00 p.m., Online-Session
Title: Level UP – Hackathon
Moderation: Nils Blome, Marius Langenbach
Company: Level UP

Click here to register


"You want to apply the theoretical knowledge from your studies in practice? Then this is the right workshop for you.

We offer you a two-day hackathon to test and deepen your knowledge based on a practical problem. Through solution-oriented work, you will find out where your strengths and interests lie.

At our kickoff meeting you will get a short introduction to the approach to solve the problem. Besides a structured overview and some useful tips, that's it for the theory. You will have 28 hours to come up with a solution in a team of three people. The type of presentation (video, Power Point, ...) is up to you. During the working time, we are of course available for help and questions.

At the end, you will present your idea to a jury and receive direct feedback. The winning team will also receive an exciting prize.

The whole thing once again summarized: 

When: Kickoff on 14.01.2021 at 11 a.m. 
             Pitches in front of the jury on 15.01.2021 at 3 p.m. 

Where: Digital 


  • 28-hour hackathon with an exciting problem and your own development of an approach to solving it 
  • Pitch in front of a jury and announcement of the best solution  
  • Prize for the winning team 
  • Practical work and many exciting experiences 

We are looking forward to your registration!"