LZI Work­shop: Live cod­ing in the con­text of AI-as­sisted in­voice re­ceipt man­age­ment

Date: 29.06.2022, 16:30 – 18:30, hybrid: in presence at Fürstenallee and parallel in a zoom session

Live coding of a .NET Core Micro-Services in the context of a web front-end for an AI-supported invoice receipt management.

Moderation: Dorian Drost, Data Scientist
Philip Frerk, Software Developer 
Stefan Irmer, Senior Software Developer
Georg Zentgraf, Software Developer
Company: Diamant Software GmbH

Click here to register

- introducing AI-assisted invoice receipt management cloud-native.
- micro-services, ASP.NET Core
- event-driven architecture with Kafka
- monitoring with Prometheus
- live coding

The workshop will be moderated in German