LZI Work­shop: Self-Man­age­ment

Date: 28.10.2021, 16:30-18:30, Online-Session in Zoom
Title: Mastering self-management in your studies and using it later in your career

Kubilay Cinar (B.Sc. Wirtschaftsinformatik)
IT-Berater / Salesforce-Berater

Company: mindsquare AG

Hier geht es zur Anmeldung

„In this talk I would like to show you how I got my studies organized with ease using a few digital tools, systems and routines and what additional benefits this has brought me now as an IT consultant - especially during the Corona period. I'll talk about classic self-organization, present different systems/workflows that I've tested out once, and then also talk about specific topics and tips for exam preparation, knowledge collection and preservation. Maybe one or the other idea will be useful for you, and you can be inspired to apply it to the next exam phase."

This lecture will be moderated in German