Study Ser­vice Com­puter Sci­ence

Hinweis an die Redakteure: Der Inhalt enthält nicht erlaubte Elemente und wurde daher ausgeblendet.



Lennart Clausing

Office: O3.122
Phone: +49 5251 60-5396

Rita Hartel

Office: F2.209
Phone: +49 5251 60-6612

Jana Seep

Office: F2.209
Phone: +49 5251 60-6655

Sec­ret­ary of­fice

Jennifer Lohse

Office: F2.122
Phone: +49 5251 60-6648

Irene Roger

Office: F2.122
Phone: +49 5251 60-6620

Cur­rent In­form­a­tion

Live stream: Online student advising for the bachelor's and master's program in computer science

Twice a month, we are available to answer questions from prospective students as well as students already enrolled in Computer Science in a YouTube livestream. Here you can enter into a personal dialog and ask any questions about studying Computer Science and the course program, which we will hopefully be able to answer.

We will usually broadcast a live stream for our Bachelor program which will be in German on the first Thursday of each month, starting at 6pm CET (or CEST from April to October). On the third Thursday of each month there will be a live stream for our Master program in English – starting at the same time. Of course, you can join any of those live streams and and ask your questions. In March and September we always take a month off where there will be no live streams; and in case of public holidays in Germany the show will be rescheduled – the exact date will always be posted on this website. And in our YouTube channel you will always find an announcement for the next live stream.

The live study counseling session will be broadcast on the YouTube channel of the faculty:

The dates in June:

  • Juli 4, 6pm CEST: Computer Science Bachelor: Q&A for prospective and current students in the Bachelor program Computer Science

  • Juli 18, 6pm CEST: Computer Science Master: Q&A for prospective and current students in the Master program Computer Science

Current information from the central examination office Computer Science

Here you’ll find rules and deadlines for registrations and cancellations for courses and examinations in summer semester 2024