PhD Com­mit­tee for Com­puter Sci­ence

Prof. Dr. Christian Plessl (Chairperson)
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Sebastian Peitz (Deputy Chairperson)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Roman Dumitrescu
Dr. Rital Hartel (Academic Assistant)
Marvin Beckmann (Student)

Current regulations of the PhD Committee for Computer Science (only available in German)
When a doctoral project is taken up, an examination of the admission requirements must be applied for at the PhD committee. The opening of a doctoral procedure is also applied for at the PhD committee. Forms with organizational information can be found as downloads on the right.

Doctoral thesis in the field of compute rengineering can take place in the Institute of Electrical Engineering or in the Institute of Computer Science.

Further information about a PhD in electrical engineering can be found here.