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Prof. Dr. Gregor Engels

Committee - Former
Key research area Digital Humanities
Member - Former
Key research area Intelligent Technical Systems
Member - Former
Key research area Sustainable Materials, Processes and Products
Member - Former
Member - Former - Principal Investigator
Direct Manufacturing Research Center (DMRC) (until 2022)
Committee - Former - Projektleiter
Database and Information Systems
Head - Former
Software Innovation Campus Paderborn (SICP)
Committee - Former
33102 Paderborn

Miscellaneous |
05/1997 - 31.12.2023 |
Professor Chair of Database and Information Systems, Paderborn University |
04/1991 - 04/1997 |
Professor Chair for Software Engineering and Information Systems, Leiden University, The Netherlands |
05/1997 - 31.12.2023 |
Professor Chair of Database and Information Systems, Paderborn University |
04/1991 - 04/1997 |
Professor Chair for Software Engineering and Information Systems, Leiden University, The Netherlands |
- Bücher
Marion Kremer, Gregor Engels, Alexander Hofmann, Jörg Hohwiller, Oliver E. Nandico, Thomas Nötzold, Karl Prott, Diethelm Schlegel, Andreas Seidl, Thomas Wolf: Quasar 3.0 - A Situational Approach to Software Engineering. Capgemini CSD Research, Offenbach 2012 (2012)
[Show BibTeX] [DOI] [Link]Gregor Engels, Andreas Hess, Bernhard Humm, Oliver Juwig, Marc Lohmann, Jan-Peter Richter, Markus Voß, Johannes Willkomm: Quasar Enterprise: Anwendungslandschaften serviceorientiert gestalten. dpunkt-Verlag (München) (2008)
[Show Abstract] [Show BibTeX] [Link]Gregor Engels, Wilhelm Schäfer: Programmentwicklungsumgebungen: Konzepte und Realisierung. Teubner (Stuttgart) (1989)
[Show BibTeX]- Diplomarbeiten
Gregor Engels, Udo Pletat: Analyse von Regelschemata für Unterbaum-Ersetzungssysteme. Diploma thesis, Universität Dortmund, Abt. Informatik (1980)
[Show BibTeX]- Dissertationen
Gregor Engels: Graphen als zentrale Datenstrukturen in einer Software-Entwicklungsumgebung. PhD thesis, University of Osnabrück (1986)
[Show BibTeX]- Journal Articles
Mahdi Derakhshanmanesh, Marvin Grieger, Jürgen Ebert, Gregor Engels: Thoughts on the Evolution Towards Model-Integrating Software (to appear). In Udo Kelters (eds.): Softwaretechnik-Trends. Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop Model-Based and Model-Driven Software Modernization (MMSM) (2016) [Show BibTeX]
Zille Huma, Christian Gerth, Gregor Engels: On-the-Fly Computing: Automatic Service Discovery and Composition in Heterogeneous Domains. In Computer Science - Research and Development, vol. 30, no. 3-4, pp. 333-361. Springer-Verlag (2015)
[Show BibTeX]Frank Brüseke, Henning Wachsmuth, Gregor Engels, Steffen Becker: PBlaman: Performance Blame Analysis based on Palladio Contracts. In Concurrency and Computation Practice and Experience, vol. 26, no. 12, pp. 1975-2004. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. (2014)
[Show Abstract] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]Christian Gerth, Jochen Küster, Markus Luckey, Gregor Engels: Detection and Resolution of Conflicting Change Operations in Version Management of Process Models. In Software and Systems Modeling, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 517-535. Springer-Verlag (Berlin/Heidelberg) (2013)
[Show Abstract] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]Gregor Engels, Markus Luckey: Editorial. In Computer Science - Research and Development, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 1-2. Springer Verlag (2013)
[PDF] [Show BibTeX] [DOI] [Link]Gregor Engels, Christian Gerth, Bernd Kleinjohann, Lisa Kleinjohann, Wolfgang Müller, Stefan Sauer: Informationstechnik spart Ressourcen. In Forschungsforum Paderborn, vol. 16/2013, pp. 54-61. (2013)
[Show BibTeX] [Link]Uwe Dumslaff, Gregor Engels, Marion Kremer: IT ist nicht gleich IT: Ein Plädoyer für eine situationsbezogene Softwareentwicklung. In OBJEKTspektrum, no. Nr. 5, pp. 52 - 57. (2012)
[PDF] [Show BibTeX] [Link]Markus Luckey, Martin Erwig, Gregor Engels: Systematic Evolution of Model-Based Spreadsheet Applications. In S.-K. Chang, S. Levialdi (eds.): Journal of Visual Languages and Computing, vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 267-286. Academic Press, Inc. (Orlando, FL, USA) (2012)
[Show BibTeX] [DOI]Gregor Engels, Jon Whittle: Ten years of software and systems modeling. In Springer (eds.): Software and Systems Modeling, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 467-470. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2012)
[Show BibTeX] [DOI]Baris Güldali, Holger Funke, Stefan Sauer, Gregor Engels: TORC: test plan optimization by requirements clustering. In Software Quality Journal, pp. 1-29. Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg) (2011)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]Christian Soltenborn, Gregor Engels: Using Rule Overriding to Improve Reusability and Understandability of Dynamic Meta Modeling Specifications. In Journal of Visual Languages and Computing, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 233-250. Elsevier (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) (2011)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]Gregor Engels: Guest Editorial to the Special Section on MODELS 2007. In Software & Systems Modeling, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 5-6. Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg) (2010)
[Show BibTeX] [DOI]Gregor Engels, Michael Goedicke, Ursula Goltz, Andreas Rausch, Ralf H. Reussner: Design for Future – Legacy-Probleme von morgen vermeidbar?. In Informatik-Spektrum, vol. 32, no. 5, pp. 393-397. Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg) (2009)
[Show BibTeX] [DOI]Baris Güldali, Stefan Sauer, Gregor Engels: Formalisierung der funktionalen Anforderungen mit visuellen Kontrakten und deren Einsatz für modellbasiertes Testen. In E.E. Doberkat, U. Kelter (eds.): Softwaretechnik-Trends, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 12-16. GI (2008)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [Link]Gregor Engels, Markus Voß: Quasar Enterprise. In Informatik-Spektrum, vol. 31, no. 6, pp. 548-555. Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg) (2008)
[Show Abstract] [Show BibTeX] [DOI] [Link]Gregor Engels, Stefan Sauer, Christian Soltenborn: Unternehmensweit verstehen – unternehmensweit entwickeln: Von der Modellierungssprache zur Softwareentwicklungsmethode. In Informatik-Spektrum, vol. 31, no. 5, pp. 451-459. Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg) (2008)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]Jan-Christopher Bals, Fabian Christ, Gregor Engels, Stefan Sauer: Software-Qualität - überall! - Excel-lente Software. In Forschungsforum Paderborn, vol. 10, pp. 56-60. University of Paderborn (2007)
[PDF] [Show BibTeX]Ernst-Erich Doberkat, Gregor Engels, Jan Hendrik Hausmann, Marc Lohmann, Jörg Pleumann, Jens Schröder: Software Engineering and eLearning: The MuSofT Project. In e-learning and education (eleed) Journal, vol. 2. FernUniversität Hagen, CampusSource (2005)
[Show Abstract] [Show BibTeX] [Link]Gregor Engels, Jan Hendrik Hausmann, Marc Lohmann: eLearning-Plattformen für die Hochschule: Bedarfsgerechte Bestimmung der Anforderungen. In Prof. Dr. W. Weber (eds.): ForschungsForum Paderborn, vol. 6, pp. 44-47. (2003)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [Link]Gregor Engels, Jochen Küster, Luuk Groenewegen: Consistent Interaction of Software Components. In Transactions of the SDPS: Journal of Integrated Design & Process Science, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 2-22. IOS Press (2002)
[Show Abstract] [Show BibTeX]Ernst-Erich Doberkat, Gregor Engels: MuSofT - Multimedia in der Softwaretechnik. In Informatik Forschung und Entwicklung, vol. 1, no. 17, pp. 41-44. Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg) (2002)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX]Gregor Engels, Jens Gaulke, Stefan Sauer: Modelle für automobile Software - Objektorientierte Modellierung von eingebetteten, interaktiven Softwaresystemen im Automobil. In Forschungsforum Paderborn, vol. 4, pp. 24-29. W. Weber (2001)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX]Gregor Engels, Reiko Heckel: Graph Transformation and Visual Modeling Techniques. In Bulletin of the EATCS, no. 71, pp. 186-202. European Association of Theoretical Computer Science (Rio (Greece)) (2000)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX]Ralph Depke, Gregor Engels, Katharina Mehner, Stefan Sauer, Annika Wagner: Ein Vorgehensmodell für die Multimedia-Entwicklung mit Autorensystemen. In Informatik Forschung und Entwicklung, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 83-94. Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg) (1999)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]Marc Andries, Gregor Engels, Annegret Habel, Berthold Hoffmann, Hans-Jörg Kreowski, Sabine Kuske, Detlef Plump, Andy Schürr, Gabriele Taentzer: Graph Transformation for Specification and Programming. In Science of Computer Programming, vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 1-54. Elsevier (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) (1999)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]Gregor Engels, Reiko Heckel, Gabriele Taentzer, Hartmut Ehrig: A Combined Reference Model- and View-Based Approach to System Specification. In Int. Journal of Software and Knowledge Engeneering, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 457-477. (1997)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX]Gregor Engels, Hans Jürgen Schneider: Guest Editors' Introduction. In Gregor Engels and H.J. Schneider (eds.): International Journal on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (IJSEKE), vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 397-400. World Publishing (1997)
[Show Abstract] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]Marc Andries, Gregor Engels: A Hybrid Query Language for the Extended Entity Relationship Model. In Journal of Visual Languages and Computing, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 321-352. Elsevier (1996)
[Show Abstract] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]Perdita Löhr-Richter, Gregor Engels: Visuelles Spezifizieren von komplexen Aktionen auf Datenbankstrukturen. In L. Wegner (eds.): GI-Datenbank Rundbrief, vol. 13, pp. 33-35. (1994)
[Show BibTeX]Gregor Engels, Claus Lewerentz, Manfred Nagl, Wilhelm Schäfer, Andy Schürr: Building Integrated Software Development Environments, Part I: Tool Specification. In ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM), vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 135-167. ACM Press (New York, NY, USA) (1992)
[Show Abstract] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]Gregor Engels, Martin Gogolla, Uwe Hohenstein, Klaus Hülsmann, Perdita Löhr-Richter, Gunter Saake, Hans-Dietrich Ehrich: Conceptual Modelling of Database Applications Using an Extended ER Model. In Data & Knowledge Engineering, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 157-204. Elsevier (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) (1992)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]Uwe Hohenstein, Gregor Engels: SQL/EER - Syntax and Semantics of an Entity-Relationship-Based Query Language. In Information Systems, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 209-242. Elsevier (Oxford, UK) (1992)
[Show Abstract] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]Gregor Engels, Udo Pletat, Hans-Dietrich Ehrich: An Operational Semantics for Specifications of Abstract Data Types with Error Handling. In Acta Informatica, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 235-254. Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg) (1983)
[Show Abstract] [Show BibTeX] [DOI] [Link]Gregor Engels, Rupert Gall, Manfred Nagl, Wilhelm Schäfer: Software Specification Using Graph Grammars. In Computing, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 317-346. Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg) (1983)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]- Rezensierte Konferenzbeiträge
Marvin Grieger, Masud Fazal-Baqaie, Gregor Engels, Markus Klenke: Concept-Based Engineering of Situation-Specific Migration Methods. In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Software Reuse (ICSR). Springer, LNCS, pp. 199-214 (2016)
[PDF] [Show BibTeX] [Link]Enes Yigitbas, Stefan Sauer, Gregor Engels: A Model-based Framework for Multi-adaptive Migratory User Interfaces. In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Springer, LNCS, vol. 9170, pp. 563-572 (2015)
[Show BibTeX]Benjamin Nagel, Klaus Schröder, Steffen Becker, Stefan Sauer, Gregor Engels: Kooperative Methoden- und Werkzeugentwicklung zur Cloudmigration von proprietären Anwendungskomponenten. In Uwe Aßmann, Birgit Demuth, Thorsten Spitta, Georg Püschel, Ronny Kaiser (eds.): Software Engineering & Management 2015. , vol. LNI-239, pp. 255-260 (2015)
[Show Abstract] [Show BibTeX]Svetlana Arifulina, Marie Christin Platenius, Felix Mohr, Gregor Engels: Market-Specific Service Compositions: Specification and Matching. In Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE World Congress on Services (SERVICES 2015). IEEE Computer Society Los Alamintos, CA, USA, pp. 333-340 (2015)
[Show Abstract] [Show BibTeX]Simon Schwichtenberg, Gregor Engels: RSDL workbench results for OAEI 2015. In Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Ontology Matching co-located with the 14th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2015)., CEUR Workshop Proceedings, vol. 1545, pp. 192-199 (2015)
[Show Abstract] [Show BibTeX] [Link]Stefan Heindorf, Martin Potthast, Benno Stein, Gregor Engels: Towards Vandalism Detection in Knowledge Bases: Corpus Construction and Analysis. In 38th International ACM Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 15). ACM, pp. 831-834 (2015)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]Henning Wachsmuth, Martin Trenkmann, Benno Stein, Gregor Engels, Tsvetomira Palakarska: A Review Corpus for Argumentation Analysis. In Alexander Gelbukh (eds.): Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing. Springer (Kathmandu, Nepal), LNCS, vol. 8404, no. 2, pp. 115-127 (2014)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]Masud Fazal-Baqaie, Christian Gerth, Gregor Engels: Breathing Life into Situational Software Engineering Methods. In A. Jedlitschka et al. (eds.): In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference of Product Focused Software Development and Process Improvement (PROFES 2014). Springer, vol. 8892, pp. 281-284 (2014)
[Show Abstract] [Show BibTeX]Fabian Pittke, Benjamin Nagel, Gregor Engels, Jan Mendling: Linguistic Consistency of Goal Models. In Proceedings of the 19th International EMMSAD Conference. Springer (2014)
[Show BibTeX]Svetlana Arifulina, Marie Christin Platenius, Christian Gerth, Steffen Becker, Gregor Engels, Wilhelm Schäfer: Market-optimized Service Specification and Matching. In Xavier Franch and Aditya K. Ghose and Grace A. Lewis and Sami Bhiri (eds.): 12th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2014). Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 8831, pp. 543-550 (2014)
[Show BibTeX] [Link]Henning Wachsmuth, Martin Trenkmann, Benno Stein, Gregor Engels: Modeling Review Argumentation for Robust Sentiment Analysis. In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Computational Linguistics. Dublin City University and Association for Computational Linguistics (Dublin, Ireland), pp. 553-564 (2014)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX]Simon Schwichtenberg, Christian Gerth, Zille Huma, Gregor Engels: Normalizing Heterogeneous Service Description Models with Generated QVT Transformations. In Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications (ECMFA'14). Springer, LNCS, vol. 8569, pp. 180-195 (2014)
[Show Abstract] [Show BibTeX]Simon Schwichtenberg, Christian Gerth, Gregor Engels: RSDL workbench results for OAEI 2014. In Pavel Shaviko and Jérôme Euzenat and Ming Mao and Ernesto Jiménez-Ruiz and Juanzi Li and Axel Ngonga (eds.): Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Ontology Matching co-located with the 13th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC)., CEUR Workshop Proceedings, vol. 1317, pp. 155-162 (2014)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [Link]Dennis Bokermann, Christian Gerth, Gregor Engels: Use Your Best Device! - Enabling Device Changes at Runtime. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2014), Haifa, Israel. Springer, LNCS, vol. 8659, pp. 357-365 (2014)
[Show BibTeX] [DOI]Marie Christin Platenius, Markus von Detten, Steffen Becker, Wilhelm Schäfer, Gregor Engels: A Survey of Fuzzy Service Matching Approaches in the Context of On-The-Fly Computing. In In: Proceedings of the 16th International ACM Sigsoft Symposium on Component-Based Software Engineering. , pp. 143-152 (2013)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [DOI] [Link]Zille Huma, Christian Gerth, Gregor Engels, Oliver Juwig: Automated Service Composition for On-the-Fly SOAs. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC'13). Springer-Verlag (Berlin/Heidelberg), LNCS , vol. 8274, pp. 524-532 (2013)
[Show Abstract] [Show BibTeX]Henning Wachsmuth, Mirko Rose, Gregor Engels: Automatic Pipeline Construction for Real-Time Annotation. In Alexander Gelbukh (eds.): Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics. Springer (Samos, Greece), LNCS, vol. 7816, pp. 38-49 (2013)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]Frank Brüseke, Steffen Becker, Gregor Engels: Decision Support via Automated Metric Comparison for the Palladio-based Performance Blame Analysis. In Proceedings of the 4th ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering (ICPE 2013), Prague (Czech Republic). ACM New York, NY, USA, pp. 77-88 (2013)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [DOI] [Link]Benjamin Nagel, Christian Gerth, Jennifer Post, Gregor Engels: Ensuring Consistency Among Business Goals and Business Process Models. In Proceedings of the 17th IEEE International EDOC Conference (EDOC'13). IEEE Computer Society, pp. 17-26 (2013)
[Show Abstract] [Show BibTeX]Markus Luckey, Gregor Engels: High-Quality Specification of Self-Adaptive Software Systems. In Proceeding of the 8th international symposium on Software engineering for adaptive and self-managing systems. ACM (New York, NY, USA), SEAMS '13, pp. 143-152 (2013)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [Link]Henning Wachsmuth, Benno Stein, Gregor Engels: Information Extraction as a Filtering Task. In Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management. ACM (San Francisco, CA, USA), pp. 2049-2058 (2013)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]Henning Wachsmuth, Benno Stein, Gregor Engels: Learning Efficient Information Extraction on Heterogeneous Texts. In Proceedings of the 6th Internation Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing. AFNLP (Nagoya, Japan), pp. 534-542 (2013)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX]Claudia Schumacher, Baris Güldali, Gregor Engels, Markus Niehammer, Matthias Hamburg: Modellbasierte Bewertung von Testprozessen nach TPI NEXT® mit Geschäftsprozess-Mustern. In Stefan Kowalewski, Bernhard Rumpe (eds.): Software Engineering 2013. , LNI, vol. P-213, pp. 331-344 (2013)
[Show Abstract] [Show BibTeX] [Link]Gregor Engels: On-the-Fly Computing - Das Entwicklungs- und Betriebsparadigma für Softwaresysteme der Zukunft. In Stefan Kowalewski, Bernhard Rumpe (eds.): Software Engineering 2013. , LNI, vol. P-213, pp. 17-18 (2013)
[PDF] [Show BibTeX] [Link]Marie Christin Platenius, Markus von Detten, Christian Gerth, Wilhelm Schäfer, Gregor Engels: Service Matching under Consideration of Explicitly Specified Service Variants. In IEEE 20th International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2013). IEEE Computer Society Washington, DC, USA, pp. 613-614 (2013)
[Show Abstract] [Show BibTeX]Zille Huma, Christian Gerth, Gregor Engels, Oliver Juwig: Towards an Automatic Service Discovery for UML-based Rich Service Descriptions. In Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE 15th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS'12). Springer-Verlag (Berlin/Heidelberg), LNCS, vol. 7590, pp. 709-725 (2012)
[Show Abstract] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]Markus Luckey, Benjamin Nagel, Christian Gerth, Gregor Engels: Adapt Cases: Extending Use Cases for Adaptive Systems. In Proceeding of the 6th international symposium on Software engineering for adaptive and self-managing systems. ACM (New York, NY, USA), SEAMS '11, pp. 30-39 (2011)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [Link]Henning Wachsmuth, Benno Stein, Gregor Engels: Constructing Efficient Information Extraction Pipelines. In Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management. ACM (Glasgow, Scotland), pp. 2237-2240 (2011)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX]Nils Bandener, Christian Soltenborn, Gregor Engels: Extending DMM Behavior Specifications for Visual Execution and Debugging. In B. Malloy, S. Staab, M. van den Brand (eds.): Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Software Language Engineering (SLE 2010). Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg), LNCS, vol. 6563, pp. 357-376 (2011)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]Lial Khaluf, Christian Gerth, Gregor Engels: Pattern-Based Modeling and Formalizing of Business Process Quality Constraints. In H. Mouratidis and C. Rolland (eds.): Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Advanced Information System Engineering (CAiSE'11). Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg), LNCS, vol. 6741, pp. 521-535 (2011)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [DOI] [Link]Christian Gerth, Markus Luckey, Jochen Küster, Gregor Engels: Precise Mappings between Business Process Models in Versioning Scenarios. In Proceedings of the IEEE 8th International Conference on Services Computing (SCC'11). IEEE Computer Society, pp. 218-225 (2011)
[Show Abstract] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]Markus Luckey, Christian Gerth, Christian Soltenborn, Gregor Engels: QUAASY - QUality Assurance of Adaptive SYstems. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC'11). ACM (2011)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]Marianne Heinemann, Markus Palme, Andreas Rothmann, Frank Salger, Jürgen Schönke, Gregor Engels: Selektionswerkzeug zur Auswahl projektspezifischer Vorgehensstrategien. In R. Reussner, M. Grund, A. Oberweis, W. Tichy (eds.): Software Engineering 2011. Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI) (Bonn), Lecture Notes in Informatics, vol. P-183, pp. 33-36 (2011)
[Show BibTeX]Gregor Engels: Services aus der Cloud = Fahren im Nebel? Wie minimiere ich die Risiken und erreiche hohe Qualität?. In H.-U. Heiß, P. Pepper, H. Schlingloff, J. Schneider (eds.): Proceedings der 41. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik - Informatik 2011. GI, LNI, vol. 192 (2011)
[Show Abstract] [Show BibTeX]Gregor Engels, Marion Kremer: Situational Software Engineering: Ein Rahmenwerk für eine situationsgerechte Auswahl von Entwicklungsmethoden und Vorgehensmodellen. In H.-U. Heiß, P. Pepper, H. Schlingloff, J. Schneider (eds.): Proceedings der41. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik - Informatik 2011;. GI, LNI, vol. 192 (2011)
[Show Abstract] [Show BibTeX]Fabian Christ, Jan-Christopher Bals, Gregor Engels, Christian Gerth, Markus Luckey: A Generic Meta-Model-based Approach for Specifying Framework Functionality and Usage. In J. Vitek (eds.): Proceedings of the 48th International Conference on Objects, Models, Components and Patterns (TOOLS'10), Málaga (Spain). Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg), LNCS, vol. 6141, pp. 21-40 (2010)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]Gregor Engels, Stefan Sauer: A Meta-Method for Defining Software Engineering Methods. In G. Engels, C. Lewerentz, W. Schäfer, A. Schürr, B. Westfechtel (eds.): Graph Transformations and Model-Driven Engineering. Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg), LNCS, vol. 5765, pp. 411-440 (2010)
[Show BibTeX]Frank Salger, Gregor Engels, Alexander Hofmann: Assessments in Global Software Development: A Tailorable Framework for Industrial Projects. In W. Visser, I. Krüger (eds.): Proceedings ACM/IEEE 32nd International Conference on Software Engineering, Software Engineering in Practice Track, Cape Town, South Africa (ICSE'10). ACM New York, NY, USA, vol. 2, pp. 29-38 (2010)
[Show Abstract] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]Marianne Heinemann, Gregor Engels: Auswahl projektspezifischer Vorgehensstrategien. In O. Linssen, T. Greb, M. Kuhrmann, D. Lange, R. Höhn (eds.): Integration von Vorgehensmodellen und Projektmanagement. Shaker Verlag, pp. 132-142 (2010)
[Show BibTeX]Christian Gerth, Markus Luckey, Jochen Küster, Gregor Engels: Detection of Semantically Equivalent Fragments for Business Process Model Change Management. In Proceedings of the IEEE 7th International Conference on Services Computing (SCC'10). IEEE Computer Society, pp. 57-64 (2010)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]Jochen Küster, Christian Gerth, Gregor Engels: Dynamic Computation of Change Operations in Version Management of Business Process Models. In T. Kühne, B. Selic (eds.): Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications (ECMFA'10). Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg), LNCS, vol. 6138, pp. 201-216 (2010)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]Wilhelm Schäfer, Mauro Birattari, Johannes Blömer, Marco Dorigo, Gregor Engels, Rehan O'Grady, Marco Platzner, Franz Josef Rammig, Wolfgang Reif, Ansgar Trächtler: Engineering self-coordinating software intensive systems. In Gruia-Catalin Roman and Kevin J. Sullivan (eds.): Proceedings of the Workshop on Future of Software Engineering Research, FoSER 2010, at the 18th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Foundations of Software Engineering, 2010, Santa Fe, NM, USA. ACM (Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA), pp. 321-324 (2010)
[Show BibTeX] [DOI]Marianne Heinemann, Bettina Duwe, Gregor Engels: Enriching RUP with key success factors for large-scale custom software development projects. In M. Sihling, A. Rausch, J. Friedrich, M. Kuhrmann (eds.): Software & Systems Engineering Essentials (SEE) 2010. Technische Universität München, TUM-I1009, pp. 37-56 (2010)
[Show Abstract] [Show BibTeX]Gregor Engels, Claus Lewerentz, Wilhelm Schäfer, Andy Schürr, Bernhard Westfechtel: Graph Transformations and Model-Driven Engineering: The Merits of Manfred Nagl. In G. Engels, C. Lewerentz, W. Schäfer, A. Schürr, B. Westfechtel (eds.): Graph Transformations and Model-Driven Engineering. Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg), LNCS, vol. 5765, pp. 1-5 (2010)
[Show BibTeX]Gregor Engels, Frank Salger: Knowledge Transfer in Global Software Development - Leveraging Acceptance Test Case Specifications. In In Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE 32nd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), New Ideas and Emergent Results program, May 2010, Cape Town (South Africa). ACM New York, NY, USA, pp. 211-214 (2010)
[Show Abstract] [Show BibTeX]Christian Gerth, Jochen Küster, Markus Luckey, Gregor Engels: Precise Detection of Conflicting Change Operations using Process Model Terms. In D.C. Petriu, N. Rouquette, and Ø. Haugen (eds.): Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE 13th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS'10). Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg), LNCS, vol. 6395, no. Part II, pp. 93-107 (2010)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]Andrea Baumann, Gregor Engels, Alexander Hofmann, Stefan Sauer, Johannes Willkomm: A Holistic Software Engineering Method for Service-Oriented Application Landscape Development. In Proceedings of the First NAF Academy Working Conference on Practice-Driven Research on Enterprise Transformation (PRET 2009), Amsterdam (The Netherlands). Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg), Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, vol. 28, pp. 1-17 (2009)
[Show Abstract] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]Jochen Küster, Christian Gerth, Gregor Engels: Dependent and Conflicting Change Operations of Process Models. In Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Model-Driven Architecture Foundations and Applications (ECMDA-FA'09). Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg), LNCS, vol. 5562, pp. 158-173 (2009)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [DOI] [Link]Martin Assmann, Gregor Engels, Thomas von der Maßen, Andreas Wübbeke: Identifying Software Product Line Component Services. In S. Jablonski, L. Maciaszek (eds.): Proceedings of International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 09). , pp. 45–56 (2009)
[Show Abstract] [Show BibTeX]Gregor Engels, Daniela Fisseler, Christian Soltenborn: Improving Reusability of Dynamic Meta Modeling Specifications with Rule Overriding. In R. DeLine, M. Minas, M. Erwig (eds.): Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC 2009), Corvallis, Oregon (USA). IEEE Computer Society (Piscataway, NJ (USA)), pp. 39-46 (2009)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]Frank Salger, Stefan Sauer, Gregor Engels: Integrated Specification and Quality Assurance for Large Business Information Systems. In Proceedings of the 2nd India Software Engineering Conference (ISEC'09). ACM Press (New York, NY, USA), pp. 129-130 (2009)
[Show BibTeX]Christian Gerth, Jochen Küster, Gregor Engels: Language-Independent Change Management of Process Models. In A. Schürr, B. Selic (eds.): Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE 12th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS'09). Denver (CO, USA). Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg), LNCS, vol. 5795 , pp. 152-166 (2009)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]Baris Güldali, Michael Mlynarski, Andreas Wübbeke, Gregor Engels: Model-Based System Testing Using Visual Contracts. In Proceedings of Euromicro SEAA Conference 2009, Special Session on “Model Driven Engineering”. IEEE Computer Society (Washington, DC, USA), pp. 121-124 (2009)
[Show Abstract] [Show BibTeX] [Link]Baris Güldali, Holger Funke, Michael Jahnich, Stefan Sauer, Gregor Engels: Semi-automated Test Planning for e-ID Systems by Using Requirements Clustering. In 24th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2009), 16-20 November 2009, Auckland, New Zeland. , pp. 29-39 (2009)
[Show Abstract] [Show BibTeX] [DOI] [Link]Gregor Engels, Silke Geisen, Stefan Sauer, Olaf Port: Sicherstellen der Betrachtung von nicht-funktionalen Anforderungen in SCRUM-Prozessen durch Etablierung von Feedback. In S. Fischer, E. Maehle, R. Reischuk (eds.): Informatik 2009 - Im Focus das Leben. Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI) (Bonn), Lecture Notes in Informatics, vol. 154, pp. 458 (2009)
[Show BibTeX]Christian Soltenborn, Gregor Engels: Towards Test-Driven Semantics Specification. In A. Schürr, B. Selic (eds.): Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2009), Denver, Colorado (USA). Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg), LNCS, vol. 5795, pp. 378-392 (2009)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]Gregor Engels, Andreas Hess, Bernhard Humm, Oliver Juwig, Marc Lohmann, Jan-Peter Richter, Markus Voß, Johannes Willkomm: A Method for Engineering a true Service-Oriented Architecture. In J. Cordeiro, J. Filipe (eds.): Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2008), Barcelona (Spain). Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg), vol. ISAS-2, pp. 272-281 (2008)
[Show BibTeX] [Link]Gregor Engels, Baris Güldali, Christian Soltenborn, Heike Wehrheim: Assuring Consistency of Business Process Models and Web Services using Visual Contracts. In A. Schürr, M. Nagl, A. Zündorf (eds.): Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Applications of Graph Transformation with Industrial Relevance (AGTIVE 2007), Kassel (Germany). Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg), LNCS, vol. 5088, pp. 17-31 (2008)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]Frank Salger, Marcel Bennicke, Gregor Engels, Claus Lewerentz: Comprehensive Architecture Evaluation and Management in Large Software-Systems. In S. Becker, F. Plasil, R. Reussner (eds.): Quality of Software Architectures. Models and Architectures. Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg), LNCS, vol. 5281, pp. 205-219 (2008)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]Jochen Küster, Christian Gerth, Alexander Förster, Gregor Engels: Detecting and Resolving Process Model Differences in the Absence of a Change Log. In M. Dumas, M. Reichert, M.-C. Shan (eds.): Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM'08). Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg), LNCS, vol. 5240, pp. 244-260 (2008)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [DOI] [Link]Hendrik Voigt, Gregor Engels: Ein verfeinerter GQM-Ansatz zur Qualitätsbewertung von Software-Modellen. In S. Wagner, M. Broy, F. Deissenboeck, J. Münch, P. Liggesmeyer (eds.): Proceedings of Software-Qualitätsmodellierung und -bewertung (SQMB '08), München, Germany. Technische Universität München, pp. 39-46 (2008)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX]Gregor Engels, Anneke Kleppe, Arend Rensink, Maria Semenyak, Christian Soltenborn, Heike Wehrheim: From UML Activities to TAAL - Towards Behaviour-Preserving Model Transformations. In I. Schieferdecker, A. Hartman (eds.): Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Model Driven Architecture - Foundations and Applications (ECMDA-FA 2008), Berlin (Germany). Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg), LNCS, vol. 5095, pp. 95-109 (2008)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]Hendrik Voigt, Gregor Engels: Kontextsensitive Qualitätsplanung für Software-Modelle. In T. Kühne, W. Reisig, F. Steimann (eds.): Proceedings of Modellierung (2008), Berlin (Germany). Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI) (Bonn), Lecture Notes in Informatics, vol. 127, pp. 165-180 (2008)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX]Hendrik Voigt, Baris Güldali, Gregor Engels: Quality Plans for Measuring the Testability of Models. In I. Schieferdecker, S. Goericke (eds.): Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Quality Engineering in Software Technology (CONQUEST 2008), Potsdam (Germany). dpunkt.verlag, pp. 353-370 (2008)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX]Gregor Engels, Markus Voß: Quasar Enterprise - Anwendungslandschaften serviceorientiert gestalten. In K. Herrmann, B. Bruegge (eds.): Software Engineering 2008. Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs Softwaretechnik. Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI) (Bonn), Lecture Notes in Informatics, vol. 121, pp. 24-27 (2008)
[Show BibTeX]Stephan Frohnhoff, Gregor Engels: Revised Use Case Point Method - Effort Estimation in Development Projects for Business Applications. In I. Schieferdecker, S. Goericke (eds.): Setting Quality Standards, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Quality Engineering in Software Technology (CONQUEST 2008), Potsdam (Germany). dpunkt Verlag, pp. 15-32 (2008)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX]Martin Assmann, Gregor Engels: Service-Oriented Enterprise Architectures: Evolution of Concepts and Methods. In Proc. of the 12th IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference 2008 (EDOC 08), Munich (Germany). IEEE Computer Society (Washington, DC, USA), pp. xxxiv-xliii (2008)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [DOI] [Link]Martin Assmann, Gregor Engels: Transition to Service-Oriented Enterprise Architecture. In R. Morrison, D. Balasubramaniam, K. E. Falkner (eds.): Proceedings of the Second European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA 2008), Paphos (Cyprus). Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg), LNCS, vol. 5292, pp. 346-349 (2008)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [DOI] [Link]Tim Schattkowsky, Gregor Engels, Alexander Förster: A Model-Based Approach for Platform-Independent Binary Components with Precise Timing and Fine-Grained Concurrency. In Proceedings of the 40th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2007). IEEE Computer Society (Washington, DC, USA), pp. 286ff. (2007)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]Gregor Engels, Christian Soltenborn, Heike Wehrheim: Analysis of UML Activities Using Dynamic Meta Modeling. In M. M. Bosangue, E. Broch Johnsen (eds.): Proceedings of the conference on Formal Methods for Open Object-based Distributed Systems (FMOODS 2006), Oslo (Norway). Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg), LNCS, vol. 4468, pp. 76-90 (2007)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]Jan-Christopher Bals, Fabian Christ, Gregor Engels, Martin Erwig: ClassSheets - model-based, object-oriented design of spreadsheet applications. In Proceedings of the TOOLS Europe Conference (TOOLS 2007), Zürich (Swiss). Journal of Object Technology, vol. 6, no. 9, pp. 383-398 (2007)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]Stefan Sauer, Gregor Engels: Easy Model-Driven Development of Multimedia User Interfaces with GuiBuilder. In C. Stephanidis (eds.): Proceeding of the 4th International Conference on Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction (UAHCI, as Part of HCI International, 2007), Beijing (China). Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg), LNCS, vol. 4554, pp. 537-546 (2007)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]Andreas Hess, Bernhard Humm, Markus Voß, Gregor Engels: Structuring Software Cities - A Multidimensional Approach. In Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference (EDOC 2007). IEEE Computer Society (Washington, DC, USA), pp. 122-129 (2007)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX]Alexander Förster, Gregor Engels, Tim Schattkowsky, Ragnhild Van Der Straeten: Verification of Business Process Quality Constraints Based on Visual Process Patterns. In Proceedings of the First Joint IEEE/IFIP Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering (TASE 2007), Shanghai (China). IEEE Computer Society (Washington, DC, USA), pp. 197-208 (2007)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]Alexander Förster, Tim Schattkowsky, Gregor Engels, Ragnhild Van Der Straeten: A Pattern-driven Development Process for Quality Standard-conforming Business Process Models. In IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC 2006), Brighton (UK). IEEE Computer Society (Washington, DC, USA), pp. 135-142 (2006)
[Show BibTeX]Gregor Engels, Baris Güldali, Oliver Juwig, Marc Lohmann, Jan-Peter Richter: Industrielle Fallstudie: Einsatz visueller Kontrakte in serviceorientierten Architekturen. In B. Biel, M. Book, V. Gruhn (eds.): Proceedings of the conference on Software Enginneering, Fachtagung des GI Fachbereichs Softwaretechnik (SE 2006), Leipzig (Germany). Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI) (Bonn), Lecture Notes in Informatics, vol. 79, pp. 111-122 (2006)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]Gregor Engels, Marc Lohmann, Stefan Sauer, Reiko Heckel: Model-Driven Monitoring: An Application of Graph Transformation for Design by Contract. In A. Corradini, H. Ehrig, U. Montanari, L. Ribeiro, G. Rozenberg (eds.): Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Graph Transformation (ICGT 2006), Natal (Brazil). Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg), LNCS, vol. 4178, pp. 336-350 (2006)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]Marc Lohmann, Gregor Engels, Stefan Sauer: Model-driven Monitoring: Generating Assertions from Visual Contracts. In Proceedings of the 21st IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 06), Tokyo (Japan). IEEE Computer Society (Los Alamitos, CA, USA), pp. 355-356 (2006)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]Gregor Engels, Jan Hendrik Hausmann, Marc Lohmann, Stefan Sauer: Teaching UML Is Teaching Software Engineering Is Teaching Abstraction. In J.-M. Bruel (eds.): Proceedings of the Satellite Events at the MoDELS 2005 Conference, Montego Bay (Jamaica). Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg), LNCS, vol. 3844 / 2006, pp. 306-319 (2006)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX]Tim Schattkowsky, Jan Hendrik Hausmann, Gregor Engels: Using UML Activities for System-on-Chip Design and Synthesis. In O. Nierstrasz, J. Whittle, D. Harel, G. Reggio (eds.): Proceedings of the International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MoDELS 2006), Genova (Italy). Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg), LNCS, vol. 4199/2006, pp. 737-752 (2006)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]Alexander Förster, Gregor Engels, Tim Schattkowsky: Activity Diagram Patterns for Modeling Quality Constraints in Business Processes. In L. C. Briand, C. Williams (eds.): Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MoDELS 2005), Montego Bay (Jamaica). Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg), LNCS, vol. 3713, pp. 2-16 (2005)
[PDF] [Show BibTeX]Ping Guo, Gregor Engels, Reiko Heckel: Architectural Style - Based Modeling and Simulation of Complex Software Systems. In Proceedings of the 12th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2005), Taipei (Taiwan). IEEE Computer Society (Washington, DC, USA), pp. 367-374 (2005)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]Gregor Engels, Martin Erwig: ClassSheets: automatic generation of spreadsheet applications from object-oriented specifications. In Proceedings of the 20th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2005), Long Beach, CA (USA). ACM Press (New York, NY, USA), pp. 124-133 (2005)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX]Marc Lohmann, Stefan Sauer, Gregor Engels: Executable Visual Contracts. In M. Erwig, A. Schürr (eds.): Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC 2005). IEEE Computer Society (Washington, DC, USA), pp. 63-70 (2005)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]Gregor Engels, Stefan Sauer: Guest Editors' Introduction. In G. Engels, S. Sauer (eds.): International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (IJSEKE). World Scientific Publishing, vol. 14, no. 6, pp. 543-544 (2004)
[Show BibTeX] [DOI]Jochen Küster, Gregor Engels: Consistency Management within Model-Based Object-Oriented Development of Components. In F. S. de Boer and M. M. Bonsangue and S. Graf and W. P. de Roever (eds.): Proceedings of the conference on Formal Methods for Components and Objects (FMCO 2003), Leiden (Netherlands). Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg), LNCS, vol. 3188, pp. 157-176 (2003)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]Jochen Küster, Reiko Heckel, Gregor Engels: Defining and Validating Transformations of UML Models. In Proceedings of the conference on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments (HCC 2003), Auckland (New Zealand). IEEE Computer Society (Washington, DC, USA), pp. 145-152 (2003)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]Gregor Engels, Stefan Sauer, Bettina Neu: Integrating software engineering and user-centred design for multimedia software developments. In Proceedings of the conference on Human-Centric Computing Languages and Environments (HCC 2003), Auckland (New Zealand). IEEE Computer Society (Washington, DC, USA), pp. 254-256 (2003)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]Gregor Engels, Jochen Küster, Reiko Heckel, Marc Lohmann: Model Based Verification and Validation of Properties. In R. Bardohl, H. Ehrig (eds.): Proceedings of the conference on Uniform Approaches to Graphical Process Specification Techniques (UNIGRA 2003, Satellite Event of the ETAPS 2003), Warsaw (Poland). Elsevier, Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 82, no. 7, pp. 1-18 (2003)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]Klaus Alfert, Ernst-Erich Doberkat, Gregor Engels, Marc Lohmann, Johannes Magenheim, Andy Schürr: MuSofT: Multimedia in der Softwaretechnik. In J. Siedersleben, D. Weber-Wulff (eds.): Proceedings of the conference on Software Engineering im Unterricht der Hochschulen (SEUH 2003), Berlin (Germany). dpunkt Verlag (Heidelberg), pp. 70-80 (2003)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX]Gregor Engels, Klaus Alfert, Ernst-Erich Doberkat: MuSofT: Multimedia in der SoftwareTechnik. In A. Bode, J. Desel, S. Ratmayer, M. Wessner (eds.): Proceeding of the 1. e-Learning Fachtagung Informatik (DeLFI 2003), Garching bei München (Germany). Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI) (Bonn), Lecture Notes in Informatics, vol. 37, pp. 115-119 (2003)
[PDF] [Show BibTeX]Gregor Engels, Reiko Heckel, Jochen Küster: The Consistency Workbench: A Tool for Consistency Management in UML-based Development. In P. Stevens, J. Whittle, G. Booch (eds.): Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on The Unified Modeling Language: Modeling Languages and Applications (UML 2003), San Francisco, CA (USA). Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg), LNCS, vol. 2863, pp. 356-359 (2003)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX]Gregor Engels, Reiko Heckel, Jochen Küster, Luuk Groenewegen: Consistency-Preserving Model Evolution through Transformations. In J.-M. Jézéquel, H. Hussmann, S. Cook (eds.): Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on The Unified Modeling Language (UML 2002), Dresden (Germany). Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg), LNCS, vol. 2460, pp. 212-226 (2002)
[PDF] [Show BibTeX]Gregor Engels, Jochen Küster, Luuk Groenewegen: Consistent Interaction Of Software Components. In Proceedings of the conference on Integrated Design and Process Technology (IDPT 2002), Pasadena, CA (USA). IOS Press, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 2-22 (2002)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [Link]Ralph Depke, Gregor Engels, Matthew Langham, Björn Lütkemeier, Sebastian Thöne: Process-Oriented, Consistent Integration of Software Components. In Proceedings of the conference on Prolonging Software Life: Development and Redevelopment (COMPSAC 2002), Oxford (England). IEEE Computer Society (Washington, DC, USA), pp. 13-18 (2002)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]Gregor Engels, Jan Hendrik Hausmann, Reiko Heckel, Stefan Sauer: Testing the Consistency of Dynamic UML Diagrams. In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Integrated Design and Process Technology (IDPT 2002), Pasadena, CA (USA). (2002)
[PDF] [Show BibTeX] [Link]Gregor Engels, Jochen Küster, Luuk Groenewegen, Reiko Heckel: A methodology for specifying and analyzing consistency of object-oriented behavioral models. In V. Gruhn (eds.): Proceedings of the 8th European Software Engineering Conference (ESEC 2001) and 9th ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE-9), Vienna (Austria). ACM Press (New York, NY, USA), vol. 26, no. 5, pp. 186-195 (2001)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]Reiko Heckel, Gregor Engels: Graph Transformation as a Meta Language for Dynamic Modeling and Model Evolution. In T. Mens, M. Wermelinger (eds.): Proceeding of International Special Session on Formal Foundations of Software Evolution (FFSE 2001, co-located with the Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering), Lisbon (Portugal). Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Lisbon), no. UNL-DI-1-2001, pp. 42-47 (2001)
[PDF] [Show BibTeX] [Link]Gregor Engels, Reiko Heckel, Jochen Küster: Rule-Based Specification of Behavioral Consistency Based on the UML Meta-model. In M. Gogolla, C. Kobryn (eds.): Proceedings of the conference on The Unified Modeling Language, Modeling Languages, Concepts, and Tools (UML 2001), Toronto (Canada). Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg), vol. 2185, pp. 272-287 (2001)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]Stefan Sauer, Gregor Engels: UML-based Behavior Specification of Interactive Multimedia Applications. In Proceedings of the IEEE Symposia on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments (HCC 2001), Stresa (Italy). IEEE Computer Society (Washington, DC, USA), pp. 248-255 (2001)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]Gregor Engels, Jan Hendrik Hausmann, Reiko Heckel, Stefan Sauer: Dynamic Meta-Modeling: A Graphical Approach to the Operational Semantics of Behavioral Diagrams in UML. In A. Evans, S. Kent, B. Selic (eds.): Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on the Unified Modeling Language (UML 2000), York (UK). Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg), LNCS, vol. 1939, pp. 323-337 (2000)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]Gregor Engels, Reiko Heckel: Graph Transformation as a Conceptual and Formal Framework for System Modeling and Model Evolution. In Proceedings of the 27th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP 2000), Geneva (Switzerland). Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg), LNCS, vol. 1853, pp. 127-150 (2000)
[PDF] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]Gregor Engels, Luuk Groenewegen: Object-Oriented Modeling - A Roadmap. In A. Finkelstein (eds.): Proceedings of the Conference on The Future of Software Engineering - Special Track at 22nd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2000), Limerick (Ireland). ACM Press (New York, NY, USA), pp. 103-116 (2000)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX]Gregor Engels, Reiko Heckel, Stefan Sauer: UML - A Universal Modeling Language?. In M. Nielsen, D. Simpson (eds.): Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets (ICATPN 2000), Aarhus (Denmark). Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg), LNCS, vol. 1825, pp. 24-38 (2000)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX]Stefan Sauer, Gregor Engels: Extending UML for Modeling of Multimedia Applications. In M. Hirakawa, P. Mussio (eds.): Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages (VL 1999), Tokyo (Japan). IEEE Computer Society (Tokyo, Japan), pp. 80-87 (1999)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]Gregor Engels, Ralph Depke, Christoph Borowski: Konzeption und objektorientierte Realisierung einer internet-basierten Datenbankanwendung. In H. J. Scheibl (eds.): Kolloquium Software-Entwicklung - Methoden, Werkzeuge, Erfahrungen. Technische Akademie Esslingen (Ostfildern), vol. 8, pp. 531-540 (1999)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [Link]Gregor Engels, Roland Hücking, Stefan Sauer, Annika Wagner: UML Collaboration Diagrams and Their Transformation to Java. In R. France, B. Rumpe (eds.): Proceddings of The Unified Modeling Language: Beyond the Standard, Second International Conference (UML 99), Fort Collins, Colorado, USA. Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg), LNCS, vol. 1723, pp. 473-488 (1999)
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[PDF] [Show BibTeX]Gregor Engels, Reiko Heckel, Gabriele Taentzer, Hartmut Ehrig: A View-Oriented Approach to System Modelling Using Graph Transformations. In M. Jazayeri, H. Schauer (eds.): Proceedings European Software Engineering Conference (ESEC 1997), Zürich (Switzerland). Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg), vol. 1301, pp. 327-343 (1997)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]Gregor Engels, Hartmut Ehrig, Reiko Heckel, Gabriele Taentzer, Andrea Corradini: A View-Based Approach to System Modelling. In H. Ehrig, U. Montanari, G. Rozenberg, H.-J. Schneider (eds.): Report on Dagstuhl-Seminar 9637 on Graph Transformations in Computer Science. Technical University of Berlin, Dagstuhl-Seminar-Report, vol. 155, pp. 11 (1996)
[Show Abstract] [Show BibTeX]Tineke de Bunje, Gregor Engels, Luuk Groenewegen, Aart Matsinger, Martin Rijnbeek: Industrial maintenance modelled in SOCCA: an experience report. In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on the Software Process (ICSP 1996), Brighton (UK). IEEE Computer Society (Washington, DC, USA), pp. 13-26 (1996)
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[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX]Hartmut Ehrig, Reiko Heckel, Julia Padberg, Gabriele Taentzer, Uwe Wolter, Andrea Corradini, Gregor Engels: Synchronization of Views and Loose Semantics of Typed Graph Productions. In Report on the Dagstuhl-Seminar 9637 on Graph Transformations in Computer Science. Technical University of Berlin, no. 155, pp. 11-12 (1996)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [Link]- Rezensierte Konferenzbeiträge (bis 1994)
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[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX]Jürgen Ebert, Gregor Engels: Structural and Behavioural Views on OMT-Classes. In E. Bertino, S. Urban (eds.): Proceedings of the International Symposium on Object-Oriented Methodologies and Systems (ISOOMS 1994), Palermo (Italy). Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg), vol. 858, pp. 142-157 (1994)
[Show Abstract] [Show BibTeX]Gregor Engels, Hartmut Ehrig: Towards a Module Concept for Graph Transformation Systems: The Software Engineering Perspective. In G. Valiente Feruglio and F. Rossello Llompart (eds.): Proceedings Colloquium on Graph Transformation and its Application in Computer Science. Universitat de les Illes Balears, Departament de Ci, Technical Report , vol. B-19 (1994)
[Show BibTeX]Gregor Engels, A.A. Verrijn-Stuart: Integrationsaspekte bei verteilter Software-Entwicklung. In Fortschritt-Berichte VDI. VDI Verlag, Reihe 10: Informatik/Kommunikationstechnik, no. 251, pp. 45-53 (1993)
[Show BibTeX]Pieter Koopman, Luuk Groenewegen, Gregor Engels: Functional Description of Parallel Processes. In J.L.G. Dietz (eds.): Proceedings of the conference SION Computing Science in the Netherlands (CSN '92), The Netherlands. , pp. 156-167 (1992)
[Show BibTeX]Uwe Hohenstein, Gregor Engels: Formal Semantics of an Entity-Relationship Query Language. In H. Kangassalo (eds.): Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Entity-Relationship Approach (ER 90), Lausanne, Switzerland. ER Institute, pp. 177-188 (1990)
[Show BibTeX]Gregor Engels: CADDY-O: Syntaxgestütztes, graphisches Entwerfen konzeptioneller Datenbankschemata. In A. Heuer, I. Kupka (eds.): Tagungsband GI-Fachtagung "Interaktive Schnittstellen für Informationssysteme", TU Clausthal, Notizen zu Interaktive Systeme. , vol. 18, pp. 1-16 (1989)
[Show BibTeX]Gregor Engels, Uwe Hohenstein, Klaus Hülsmann, Perdita Löhr-Richter, Hans-Dietrich Ehrich: CADDY: Computer-Aided Design of Non-Standard Databases. In N. Madhavji, W. Schäfer, H. Weber (eds.): Proceedings of the International Conference on System Development Environments & Factories, Berlin, Germany. Pitman Publishing (Berlin) (1989)
[Show BibTeX]Jürgen Ebert, Gregor Engels: Konzepte einer Software-Architektur-Beschreibungssprache. In W.-M. Lippe (eds.): Software-Entwicklung: Konzepte, Erfahrungen, Perspektiven, Fachtagung, 1989, Marburg (Germany). Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg), Informatik-Fachberichte, vol. 212, pp. 238-250 (1989)
[Show BibTeX]Gregor Engels, Thorsten Janning, Wilhelm Schäfer: A Highly Integrated Tool Set for Program Development Support. In Proceedings of the conference on ACM SIGSMALL/PC symposium on ACTES (SIGSMALL 1988), Cannes (France). ACM Press (New York, NY, USA), pp. 1-10 (1988)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]Gregor Engels, Uwe Hohenstein, Leonore Neugebauer, Gunter Saake, Hans-Dietrich Ehrich: Konzeption einer integrierten Datenbank-Entwurfsumgebung. In F. Oertly (eds.): Proceedings of DBTA/SI Data Dictionaries und Entwicklungswerkzeuge für Datenbank-Anwendungen, Zürich, Switzerland. Verlag der Fachvereine an den Schweiz. Hochschulen und Techniken, pp. 151-157 (1988)
[Show BibTeX]Gregor Engels, Andy Schürr: A Hybrid Interpreter in a Software Development Environment. In H.K. Nichols, D. Simpson (eds.): Proceedings of the 1st European Software Engineering Conference (ESEC '87), Strasbourg (France). Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg), vol. 289, pp. 80-88 (1987)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX]Gregor Engels, Manfred Nagl, Wilhelm Schäfer: On the Structure of Structure-Oriented Editors for Different Applications. In P. Henderson (eds.): Proceedings of the ACM SIGSOFT/SIGPLAN Software Engineering Symposium on Practical Software Development Environments, Palo Alto, USA. ACM SIGPLAN Notices, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 190-198 (1987)
[Show BibTeX]Gregor Engels, Claus Lewerentz, Manfred Nagl, Wilhelm Schäfer: On the Structure of an Incremental and Integrated Software Development Environment. In Proceedings of the 19th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Hawaii, USA. , vol. 2a, pp. 585-597 (1986)
[Show BibTeX]Gregor Engels, Wilhelm Schäfer: Graph Grammar Engineering: A Method Used for the Development of an Integrated Programming Support Environment. In H. Ehrig, C. Floyd, M. Nivat, J. W. Thatcher (eds.): Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Theory and Practice of Software Development (TAPSOFT 1985), Berlin (Germany). Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg), LNCS, vol. 186, pp. 179-193 (1985)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX]Gregor Engels, Wilhelm Schäfer: The Design of an Adaptive and Portable Programming Support Environment. In G. Valle, G. Bucci (eds.): Proceedings of the International Computing Symposium, Amsterdam (The Netherlands). (1985)
[Show BibTeX]Udo Pletat, Gregor Engels, Hans-Dietrich Ehrich: An Operational Approach to Conditional Algebraic Specifications. In H.J. Schneider, H. Göttler (eds.): Proceedings of the 7eme Colloque sur les Arbres en Algebre et en Programmation, Lille (France). , vol. 82, pp. 254-270 (1982)
[Show Abstract] [Show BibTeX]Gregor Engels, Wilhelm Schäfer: Specification of a Programming Support Environment by Graph Grammars. In H.J. Schneider and H. Göttler (eds.): Proceedings of the conference on Graphtheoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG`82), München (Germany). Hanser (München/Leipzig), pp. 47-62 (1982)
[Show BibTeX]- Rezensierte Workshopbeiträge
Dennis Wolters, Christian Gerth, Gregor Engels: Modeling Cross-Device Systems with Use Case Diagrams. In Proceedings of the CAiSE'18 Forum at the 28th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE'16) (to appear)., CEUR Workshop Proceedings (2016)
[Show BibTeX]Masud Fazal-Baqaie, Markus Luckey, Gregor Engels: Assembly-based Method Engineering with Method Patterns. In M. Kuhrmann, D. M. Fernández, O. Linsen, A. Knapp (eds.): Software Engineering 2013 Workshopband. GI, Köllen Druck+Verlag GmbH, Bonn, pp. 435-444 (2013)
[Show Abstract] [Show BibTeX] [Link]Benjamin Nagel, Christian Gerth, Gregor Engels: Goal-driven Composition of Business Process Models. In Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Engineering Service-Oriented Applications (WESOA 2013) (accepted for application). (2013)
[Show BibTeX]Benjamin Nagel, Christian Gerth, Jennifer Post, Gregor Engels: Kaos4SOA - Extending KAOS Models with Temporal and Logical Dependencies. In Proceedings of the CAiSE'13 Forum at the 25th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE'13)., CEUR Workshop Proceedings, vol. 998, pp. 9-16 (2013)
[Show BibTeX] [Link]Zille Huma, Christian Gerth, Gregor Engels, Oliver Juwig: A UML-based Rich Service Description Language for Automatic Service Discovery of Heterogeneous Service Partners. In Proceedings of the Forum at the CAiSE'12 Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering., CEUR Workshop Proceedings, vol. 855, pp. 90-97 (2012)
[Show Abstract] [Show BibTeX] [DOI] [Link]Svetlana Arifulina, Christian Soltenborn, Gregor Engels: Coverage Criteria for Testing DMM Specifications. In A. Fish, L. Lambers (eds.): Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Graph Transformation and Visual Modeling Techniques (GT-VMT 2012), Tallinn (Estonia). European Association of Software Science and Technology (EASST), Electronic Communications of the EASST, vol. 47 (2012)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [Link]Silke Geisen, Markus Luckey, Gregor Engels: Ein Ansatz zur dynamischen Qualitätsmessung, -bewertung und Anpassung von Software Engineering Methoden. In Proceedings of 19. GI-WIVM Workshop: Qualitätsmanagement und Vorgehensmodelle. Shaker Verlag, pp. 111-120 (2012)
[Show Abstract] [Show BibTeX]Benjamin Nagel, Christian Gerth, Enes Yigitbas, Fabian Christ, Gregor Engels: Model-driven Specification of Adaptive Cloud-based Systems. In Proceedings of 1st International Workshop on Model-Driven Engineering for High Performance and Cloud Computing (MDHPCL) at MODELS'12. (2012)
[Show BibTeX]Markus Luckey, Christian Thanos, Christian Gerth, Gregor Engels: Multi-Staged Quality Assurance for Self-Adaptive Systems. In Proceedings of 1st International Workshop on EVALUATION for SELF-ADAPTIVE and SELF-ORGANIZING SYSTEMS at SASO'12. (2012)
[Show BibTeX]Frank Brüseke, Steffen Becker, Gregor Engels: Palladio-based performance blame analysis. In R. Reussner, C. Szyperski, W. Weck (eds.): Proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Component-Oriented Programming (WCOP; satellite event of the CompArch 2011), Boulder Colorado, CO (USA). ACM (New York, NY (USA)), pp. 25-32 (2011)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]Frank Brüseke, Yavuz Sancar, Gregor Engels: Architecture-Driven Derivation of Performance Metrics. In Wagner, S.; Broy, M.; Deissenboeck, F. ; Münch, J.; Liggesmeyer, P. (eds.): Proceedings of Software-Qualitätsmodellierung und -bewertung (SQMB '10), Paderborn, Germany. Technische Universität München (München, Germany), pp. 22-31 (2010)
[Show BibTeX] [Link]Frank Salger, Stefan Sauer, Gregor Engels, Andrea Baumann: Knowledge Transfer in Global Software Development - Leveraging Ontologies, Tools and Assessments. In 5th IEEE International Conference on Global Software Engineering (ICGSE 2010). , pp. 336-341 (2010)
[Show Abstract] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]Gregor Engels, Christian Soltenborn: Test-driven Language Derivation with Graph Transformation-based Dynamic Meta Modeling. In C. Ermel, H. Ehrig, F. Orejas, G. Taentzer (eds.): Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Graph and Model Transformation (GraMoT 2010), Berlin (Germany). European Association of Software Science and Technology, Electronic Communications of the EASST, vol. 30, pp. 240-257 (2010)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX]Yavuz Sancar, Frank Brüseke, Gregor Engels: Teststufenspezifische Qualitätsattribute für die Qualitätsbewertung von nichtfunktionalen Anforderungen. In Wagner, S.; Broy, M.; Deissenboeck, F. ; Münch, J.; Liggesmeyer, P. (eds.): Proceedings of Software-Qualitätsmodellierung und -bewertung (SQMB '10), Paderborn, Germany. Technische Universität München (München, Germany), pp. 50-57 (2010)
[Show BibTeX] [Link]Yavuz Sancar, Frank Brüseke, Hendrik Voigt, Stefan Sauer, Gregor Engels: Towards Economical Software Release Recommendations. In ECOOP 2010 - Workshop on Testing Object-Oriented Software Systems (ETOOS). , pp. 59-67 (2010)
[Show BibTeX]Frank Salger, Stefan Sauer, Gregor Engels: An Integrated Quality Assurance Framework for Specifying Business Information Systems. In E. Yu, J. Eder, C. Rolland (eds.): Proceedings of the Forum at the CAiSE 2009 Conference, Amsterdam (The Netherlands). CEUR, vol. 453, pp. 25-30 (2009)
[Show Abstract] [Show BibTeX]Gregor Engels: Automatic Generation of Behavioral Code - too ambitious or even unwanted?. In M. Aksit, E. Kindler, A. McNeile, E. Roubtsova (eds.): First European Workshop on Behaviour Modelling in Model Driven Architecture (BM-MDA). ACM Press (New York, NY, USA) (New York, NY, USA), pp. 5 (2009)
[Show BibTeX]Michael Mlynarski, Baris Güldali, Melanie Späth, Gregor Engels: From Design Models to Test Models by Means of Test Ideas. In L. Lúcio and S. Weißleder (eds.): MoDeVVa '09: Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Model-Driven Engineering, Verification and Validation. ACM (New York, NY, USA), pp. 1-10 (2009)
[Show Abstract] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]Frank Salger, Gregor Engels, Alexander Hofmann: Inspection Effectiveness for Different Quality Attributes of Software Requirement Specifications - An Industrial Case Study. In Proceedings of the ICSE Workshop on Software Quality (WoSQ 2009). , pp. 15-21 (2009)
[Show BibTeX]Christian Soltenborn, Gregor Engels: Towards Generalizing Visual Process Pattern. In P. Bottoni, E. Guerra, J. de Lara, T. Margaria, J. Padberg, G. Taentzer (eds.): Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Visual Formalisms for Patterns (VFfP 2009), Corvallis, OR (USA). European Association of Software Science and Technology, Electronic Communications of the EASST, vol. 25 (2009)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX]Jochen Küster, Christian Gerth, Alexander Förster, Gregor Engels: A Tool for Process Merging in Business-Driven Development. In Z. Bellahsène, R. Coletta, X. Franch, E. Hunt, C. Woo (eds.): Proceedings of the Forum at the CAiSE'08 Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering., CEUR Workshop Proceedings, vol. 344, pp. 89-92 (2008)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [DOI] [Link]Jens Ellerweg, Gregor Engels, Baris Güldali: Modellbasierter Komponententest mit visuellen Kontrakten. In H.-G. Hegering, A. Lehmann, H. J. Ohlbach, C. Scheideler (eds.): INFORMATIK 2008, Beherrschbare Systeme - dank Informatik, Band 1, Beiträge der 38. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI). Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI) (Bonn), Lecture Notes in Informatics, vol. 133, pp. 211-214 (2008)
[Show BibTeX]Christian Soltenborn, Gregor Engels: Analysis of UML Activities with Dynamic Meta Modeling Techniques. In T. Kühne (eds.): Symposium "A Formal Semantics for UML" (satellite event of the MoDELS conference 2006), Genova (Italy). Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg), LNCS, vol. 4364, pp. 329-330 (2007)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]Gregor Engels, Baris Güldali, Marc Lohmann: Towards Model-Driven Unit Testing. In T. Kühne (eds.): Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on Models in Software Engineering (MoDELS 2006). Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg), LNCS, vol. 4364, pp. 182-192 (2007)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]Gregor Engels, Matthias Gehrke, Stefan Sauer: Multi-Private Public Partnership (MPPP) - Softwaretechnik auf dem Weg in die Industrie. In C. Hochberger, R. Liskowsky (eds.): Proceedings of the Workshop on Vernetzung von Software Engineering Expertise in Industrie und Forschung (VSEEIF, satellite event of the Informatik 2006 - Informatik für Menschen). Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI) (Bonn), Lecture Notes in Informatics, vol. 93, pp. 281-287 (2006)
[Show BibTeX]Gregor Engels, Baris Güldali, Marc Lohmann: Towards Model-Driven Unit Testing. In D. Hearnden, J.G. Süß, N. Rapin, B. Baudry (eds.): Proceedings of the workshop on Model Design and Validation (MoDeVa 2006), Toulouse (France). Le Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique - CEA (Berlin / Heidelberg), pp. 16-29 (2006)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [Link]Stephan Frohnhoff, Volker Jung, Gregor Engels: Use Case Points in der industriellen Praxis. In A. Abran, M. Bundschuh, G. Büren, R. Dumke (eds.): Proceedings of the International Workshop on Software Metrics and DASMA Software Metrik Kongress (IWSM/MetriKon 2006), Potsdam (Germany). Magdeburger Schriften zum Empirischen Software-Engineering, pp. 511-526 (2006)
[PDF] [Show BibTeX]Gregor Engels, Marc Lohmann, Stefan Sauer: Design by Contract zur semantischen Beschreibung von Web Services. In A. B. Cremers, R. Manthey, P. Martini, V. Steinhage (eds.): Proceedings of Informatik 2005 - Informatik LIVE! Band 2, Beiträge der 35. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI), Workshop Service-orientierte Architekturen - Zusammenwirken von Business & IT, Bonn (Germany). Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI) (Bonn), Lecture Notes in Informatics, vol. 68, pp. 612-616 (2005)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX]Gregor Engels, Marc Lohmann, Stefan Sauer: Modellbasierte Entwicklung von Web Services mit Design by Contract. In A. B. Cremers, R. Manthey, P. Martini, V. Steinhage (eds.): Proceedings of Informatik 2005 - Informatik LIVE! Band 2, Beiträge der 35. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI), Workshop Modellbasierte Qualitätssicherung, Bonn, Germany. Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI) (Bonn), Lecture Notes in Informatics, vol. 68, pp. 491-495 (2005)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX]Alexey Cherchago, Gregor Engels: Preservation of Compatibility under Evolution of Software Components. In International ERCIM-ESF Workshop on Challenges in Software Evolution (ChaSE 2005), Berne (Switzerland). (2005)
[Show BibTeX]Alexander Förster, Gregor Engels: Quality Ensuring Development of Software Processes. In F. Oquendo (eds.): Proceeding of the 9th European Workshop on Software Process Technology (EWSPT 2003), Helsinki (Finland). Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg), LNCS, vol. 2786, pp. 62-73 (2003)
[PDF] [Show BibTeX]Sebastian Thöne, Ralph Depke, Gregor Engels: Process-Oriented, Flexible Composition of Web Services with UML. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Conceptual Modeling Approaches for e-Business: A Web Service Perspective (eCOMO 2002), Tampere (Finland). Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg), LNCS, vol. 2784, pp. 390-401 (2002)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX]Reiko Heckel, Gregor Engels: Towards a Formal Framework for Inter-Enterprise Application Integration. In A. Corradini, M. Bauderon (eds.): Proceedings of the Closing Workshop of the TMR Network GETGRATS (2002), Bordeaux (France). Elsevier, Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 51, pp. 139-151 (2002)
[Show Abstract] [Show BibTeX] [DOI] [Link]Gregor Engels, Jochen Küster, Reiko Heckel: Towards Consistency-Preserving Model Evolution. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Principles of Software Evolution(satellite event of the ICSE 02), Orlando, Florida (USA). ACM Press (New York, NY, USA), pp. 129-132 (2002)
[PDF] [Show BibTeX] [DOI] [Link]Gregor Engels, Jochen Küster: Enhancing UML-RT Concepts for Behavioral Consistent Architecture Models. In Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Describing Software Architecture with UML (satellite event of the ICSE 2001), Toronto (Canada). (2001)
[Show BibTeX]Giorgio Busatto, Gregor Engels, Katharina Mehner, Annika Wagner: A Framework for Adding Packages to Graph Transformation Approaches. In H. Ehrig, G. Engels, H.-J. Kreowski, G. Rozenberg (eds.): Selected Papers of the 6th International Workshop on Theory and Application of Graph Transformations (TAGT '98), Paderborn (Germany). Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg), LNCS, vol. 1764, pp. 352-367 (2000)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]Gregor Engels, Andreas Zamperoni: Formal Integration of Software Engineering Aspects Using Graph Rewrite Systems - A Typical Experience?!. In M. Nagl, A. Schürr, M. Münch (eds.): Proceedings of the International Workshop on Applications of Graph Transformations with Industrial Relevance (AGTIVE 1999), Kerkrade (The Netherlands). Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg), LNCS, vol. 1779, pp. 359-368 (2000)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]Gregor Engels, Reiko Heckel: From Trees to Graphs: Defining the Semantics of Diagram Languages with Graph Transformation. In J.D.P. Rolim et al. (eds.): Proceedings of the Workshop on Graph Transformation and Visual Modeling Techniques (satellite events of the ICALP 2000), Geneva(Switzerland). Carleton Scientific, pp. 373-382 (2000)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX]Gregor Engels, Jochen Küster, Luuk Groenewegen: Modeling Concurrent Behavior through Consistent Statechart Views. In G. Reggio, A. Knapp, B. Rumpe, B. Selic, R. Wieringa (eds.): Proceedings of the Workshop on Dynamic Behaviour in UML Models: Semantic Questions, Munich (Germany). Ludwig-Maximilians-University (Munich (Germany)), no. 0006, pp. 44-49 (2000)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [Link]Gregor Engels, Reiko Heckel, Stefan Sauer: Dynamic Meta Modelling: A Graphical Approach to Operational Semantics. In Proceedings of the workshop on Rigorous Modeling and Analysis with the UML: Challenges and Limitations (satellite event of the Conference on Onject-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA 1999)), Denver, CO (USA). (1999)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX]Gregor Engels, Stefan Sauer: MVC-Based Modeling Support for Embedded Real-Time Systems. In P.Hofmann and A. Schrr (eds.): Proceedings of OMER Workshop, Herrsching, Germany. , no. 01, pp. 11-14 (1999)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX]Stefan Sauer, Gregor Engels: OMMMA: An Object-Oriented Approach for Modeling Multimedia Information Systems. In L. Golubchik and V. J. Tsotras (eds.): Proceedings of the workshop on Multimedia Information Systems (MIS 1999), Indian Wells, CA (USA). , pp. 64-71 (1999)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX]Stefan Sauer, Gregor Engels: UML-basierte Modellierung von Multimediaanwendungen. In J. Desel and K. Pohl and A. Schürr (eds.): Modellierung 1999, Workshop der Gesellschaft für Informatik e. V. (GI), März 1999 in Karlsruhe. Teubner, Stuttgart (Karlsruhe, Germany), pp. 155-170 (1999)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX]Hartmut Ehrig, Gregor Engels, Reiko Heckel, Gabriele Taentzer: Classification and Comparison of Modularity Concepts for Graph Transformation Systems. In G. Engels, G. Rozenberg (eds.): Pre-Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Theory and Application of Graph Transformation (TAGT '98), Paderborn (Germany). University of Paderborn, no. tr-ri-98-201, pp. 122-131 (1998)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX]Silvia Kolmschlag, Gregor Engels: Unterstützung der Flexibilität eines Electronic Commerce Systems durch Evolutionstechniken. In S. Conrad, W. Hasselbring (eds.): Proceedings of the workshop on "Integration heterogener Softwaresysteme" (satellite event of the GI-Jahrestagung Informatik 1998), Magdeburg (Germany). GI, pp. 13-24 (1998)
[Show BibTeX]Gregor Engels, Andreas Zamperoni: Comprehensive Support for Change: Generic, Multi-dimensional (Software) Engineering Frameworks (position paper). In Proceedings of the Workshop on Requirements Engineering in a Changing World (satellite event of the Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAISE 1996)), Crete (Greece). , pp. 42-44 (1996)
[Show BibTeX]Hartmut Ehrig, Gregor Engels: Pragmatic and Semantic Aspects of a Module Concept for Graph Transformation Systems. In J. Cuny, H. Ehrig, G. Engels, G. Rozenberg (eds.): Selected papers from the 5th International Workshop on Graph Gramars and Their Application to Computer Science, Williamsburg, VA (USA). Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg), vol. 1073, pp. 137-154 (1996)
[Show Abstract] [Show BibTeX] [Link]Luuk Groenewegen, Gregor Engels: Reuse of Software Process Fragments is Reuse of Software, too. In B. Böhm (eds.): Proceedings of the 10th International Software Process Workshop (ISPW 1996), Ventron (France). IEEE Computer Society (Washington, DC, USA), pp. 68 (1996)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX]Tineke de Bunje, Gregor Engels, Luuk Groenewegen, Michael Heus, Aart Matsinger: Towards Measurable Process Models. In C. Montangero (eds.): Proceedings of the Workshop on Software Process Technology (EWSPT 1996), Nancy (France). Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg), vol. 1149, pp. 183-187 (1996)
[PDF] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]Luuk Groenewegen, Gregor Engels: Coordination by Behavioural Views and Communication Patterns. In W. Schäfer (eds.): Proceedings of the 4th European Workshop on Software Process Technology (EWSPT 1995), Noordwijkerhout (The Netherlands). Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg), LNCS, vol. 913, pp. 189-192 (1995)
[Show BibTeX] [DOI]Gregor Engels, Andy Schürr: Encapsulated Hierarchical Graphs, Graph Types, and Meta Types. In A. Corradini, U. Montanari (eds.): Proceedings of the Joint COMPUGRAPH/SEMAGRAPH Workshop on Graph Rewriting and Computation (SEGRAGRA 1995), Volterra (Italy). Elsevier (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, pp. 101-109 (1995)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]Gregor Engels, Luuk Groenewegen: Specification of coordinated behaviour by SOCCA. In Proceedings of the Third European Workshop on Software Process Technology (EWSPT 1994), Villard de Lans (France). Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg), LNCS, pp. 128-151 (1994)
[Show BibTeX] [DOI]Marc Andries, Gregor Engels: Syntax and Semantics of Hybrid Database Languages. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Graph Transformations in Computer Science (1993), Dagstuhl (Germany). Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg), LNCS, vol. 776, pp. 19-36 (1994)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]Gregor Engels, Perdita Löhr: Visual Specification of Complex Database Actions. In J. Eder, L.A. Kalinichenko (eds.): Proceedings of the 2nd International East/West Database Workshop, Klagenfurt (Germany). Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg), pp. 303-314 (1994)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX]Gregor Engels, Luuk Groenewegen: Modular, Visual Specifications of Software Processes. In W. Schäfer (eds.): Proceedings of the Workshop on Software Process (ISPW 1993), Wadern (Germany). IEEE Computer Society (Washington, DC, USA), pp. 66-68 (1993)
[Show BibTeX]Gregor Engels, Perdita Löhr-Richter: CADDY: A Highly Integrated Environment to Support Conceptual Database Design. In G. Forte, N. Madhavji, H.A. Müller (eds.): Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE 1992), Montreal (Canada). IEEE Computer Society (Washington, DC, USA), pp. 19-22 (1992)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX]Gregor Engels, Luuk Groenewegen: Specification of Coordinated Behaviour in the Software Development Process. In J.C. Derniame (eds.): Proceedings of the Second European Workshop on Software Process Technology (EWSPT 92), Trondheim, Norway. Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg), LNCS, vol. 635, pp. 58-60 (1992)
[PDF] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]Gregor Engels: Elementary Actions on an Extended Entity-Relationship Database. In H. Ehrig, H. Kreowski, G. Rozenberg (eds.): Proceedings of the workshop on Graph Grammars and Their Application to Computer Science (1990), Bremen (Germany). Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg), vol. 532, pp. 344-362 (1990)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]Gregor Engels, Uwe Hohenstein, Gunter Saake, Hans-Dietrich Ehrich: Auf dem Weg zu einer integrierten Datenbank-Entwurfsumgebung. In G. Engels, U. Hohenstein, G. Saake, H.-D. Ehrich (eds.): Proceedings of the GI-Workshop on "Sprachspezifische Programmierumgebungen", Darmstadt (Germany). G. Snelting, pp. 38-51 (1988)
[Show BibTeX]Gregor Engels, Thorsten Janning, Wilhelm Schäfer: Die Benutzerschnittstelle einer integrierten Modula-2 Programmentwicklungsumgebung. In G. Snelting (eds.): Proceedings of GI-Workshop Sprachspezifische Programmierumgebungen, Darmstadt, Germany. (1988)
[Show BibTeX]Gregor Engels, Claus Lewerentz, Wilhelm Schäfer: Graph Grammar Engineering: A Software Specification Method. In H. Ehrig, M. Nagl, G. Rozenberg, A. Rosenfeld (eds.): Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Graph-Grammars and Their Application to Computer Science, Warrenton, VA (USA). Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg), vol. 291, pp. 186-201 (1987)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]Gregor Engels, Andrea Sandbrink: Experiences with a Hybrid-Interpreter Based on Incremental Compilation Techniques. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Compiler Compilers and Incremental Compilation Techniques, Bautzen. Berlin(Ost): Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR (Bautzen), vol. 12, pp. 172-184 (1986)
[Show BibTeX]Manfred Nagl, Gregor Engels, Rupert Gall, Wilhelm Schäfer: Software Specification by Graph Grammars. In H. Ehrig, M. Nagl, G. Rozenberg (eds.): Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Graph-Grammars and Their Application to Computer Science, Osnabrück (Germany). Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg), LNCS, vol. 153, pp. 267-287 (1983)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]- Sonstige
Arndt Bode, Manfred Broy, Uwe Dumslaff, Gregor Engels: Architektur & Management im Großen meistern. Editorial of "Informatik-Spektrum" (special issue "Management großer Systeme"), vol. 31, no. 6. Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg) (2008)
[Show BibTeX] [DOI]Ernst-Erich Doberkat, Gregor Engels, Jan Hendrik Hausmann, Marc Lohmann, Christof Veltmann: Anforderungen an eine eLearning-Plattform -Innovation und Integration. Study for the Ministry of Science and Research, Northrhine-Westfalia, Germany (2002)
[PDF] [Show BibTeX]Gregor Engels: Coordination Constraints (Abstract). In H.-D. Ehrich, G. Engels, J. Paredaens, P. Wegner (eds.): Fundamentals of Object-Oriented Languages, Systems, and Methods- Dagstuhl-Seminar-Report 95 (1994)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX]Gregor Engels: Graphs as Central Data Structures in a Database Design Environment (Abstract). In P. Klint, T. Reps, G. Snelting (eds.): Programming Environments. Dagstuhl-Seminar-Report 34 (1992)
[Show Abstract] [Show BibTeX]Gregor Engels: Schakelschema's voor Softwaresystemen. Reprint Inaugurale Rede, Rijksuniversität Leiden (1992)
[Show BibTeX]- Tagungsbände
Rusins Martins Freivalds, Gregor Engels, Barbara Catania (eds.): SOFSEM 2016: Theory and Practice of Computer Science. Springer, LNCS (2016)
[Show BibTeX]Rusins Martins Freivalds, Gregor Engels, Barbara Catania, Roman Spanek (eds.): SOFSEM 2016: Theory and Practice of Computer Science - Proceedings Volume II. Springer, LNCS (2016)
[Show BibTeX]H. Ehrig, G. Engels, H.-J. Kreowski, G. Rozenberg (eds.): Graph Transformation - 6th International Conference, ICGT 2012, Bremen, Germany, September 24-29, 2012, Proceedings. Springer, LNCS, vol. 7562 (2012)
[Show Abstract] [Show BibTeX] [Link]G. Engels, C. Lewerentz, W. Schäfer, A. Schürr, B. Westfechtel (eds.): Graph Transformations and Model-Driven Engineering - Essays Dedicated to Manfred Nagl on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday. Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg), LNCS, vol. 5765 (2010)
[Show Abstract] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]Gregor Engels, Dimitris Karagiannis, Heinrich C. Mayr (eds.): Modellierung 2010, Klagenfurt (Österreich). Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI) (Bonn), Lecture Notes in Informatics, vol. P-161 (2010)
[Show BibTeX]G. Engels, M. Luckey, W. Schäfer (eds.): Software Engineering 2010 - Proceedings, Paderborn (Germany). Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI) (Bonn), Lecture Notes in Informatics, vol. P-159 (2010)
[Show BibTeX]G. Engels, M. Luckey, A. Pretschner, R. Reussner (eds.): Software Engineering 2010 - Workshop Proceedings (inkl. Doktoranden Symposium), Paderborn (Germany). Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI) (Bonn), Lecture Notes in Informatics, vol. P-160 (2010)
[Show BibTeX]G. Engels, R. Reussner, C. Momm, S. Sauer (eds.): Proceedings of Design for Future - 1. Workshop des GI-Arbeitskreises "Langlebige Softwaresysteme (L2S2)". Karlsruhe, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, vol. 537 (2009)
[Show BibTeX]Gregor Engels, Bill Opdyke, Douglas C. Schmidt, Frank Weil (eds.): Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MoDELS 2007), Nashville, TN (USA). Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg), LNCS, vol. 4735 (2007)
[Show BibTeX] [DOI]G. Engels, S. Sauer (eds.): Modeling and Development of Multimedia Systems. World Scientific, Special Issue of the International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, vol. 14, no. 6 (2004)
[Show BibTeX] [DOI] [Link]G. Engels, S. Seehusen (eds.): Proceedings of "DeLFI 2004: Die 2. e-Learning Fachtagung Informatik", Paderborn (Germany). Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI) (Bonn), Lecture Notes in Informatics, no. P-52 (2004)
[Show BibTeX]H. Ehrig, G. Engels, F. Parisi-Presicce, G. Rozenberg (eds.): Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Graph Transformations (ICGT 2004), Rome (Italy). Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg), LNCS, vol. 3256 (2004)
[Show BibTeX] [DOI]G. Engels, A. Oberweis, A. Zündorf (eds.): Modellierung 2001. Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI) (Bonn), Lecture Notes in Informatics, vol. 1 (2001)
[Show Abstract] [Show BibTeX]H. Ehrig, G. Engels, H.-J. Kreowski, G. Taentzer (eds.): Special Issue: Selected Papers of GRATRA 2000. Elsevier (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), Science of Computer Programming, vol. 44, no. 2 (2000)
[Show BibTeX]G. Engels, K. Beiersdörfer, W. Schäfer (eds.): Informatik '99: Informatik überwindet Grenzen. Tagungsband der 29. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik, Paderborn (Germany). Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg), Informatik aktuell (1999)
[Show BibTeX]G. Engels, H. Ehrig, H.-J. Kreowski, G. Rozenberg (eds.): 6th International Workshop on Theory and Applications of Graph Transformations (TAGT '98), Paderborn, Selected Papers. Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg), LNCS, vol. 1764 (1998)
[Show Abstract] [Show BibTeX] [Link]G. Engels, H. Ehrig, F. Orejas, M. Wirsing (eds.): Semi-Formal and Formal Specification Techniques. Schloss Dagstuhl, Leibniz Center for Informatics, Dagstuhl-Seminar-Report, vol. 218 (1998)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [Link]G. Engels (eds.): Themenheft: Softwaretechnik. Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg), Informatik: Forschung und Entwicklung, vol. 12, no. 4 (1997)
[Show BibTeX] [DOI]A. Skowron, G. Engels, H. Ehrig, G. Rozenberg (eds.): Special Issue on Graph Transformations. IOS Press (Amsterdam), Fundamenta Informaticae, vol. 26, no. 3-4 (1996)
[Show BibTeX]H.-D. Ehrich, G. Engels, J. Paredaens, P. Wegner (eds.): Fundamentals of Object-Oriented Languages, Systems, and Methods. Schloss Dagstuhl, Leibniz Center for Informatics, Dagstuhl-Seminar-Report, vol. 95 (1994)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [Link]Graph Gramars and Their Application to Computer Science, 5th International Workshop (1994), Selected Papers. Springer (Berlin/Heidelberg), LNCS, vol. 1073 (1994)
[Show Abstract] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]H.-D. Ehrich, G. Engels, M. Gogolla, G. Saake (eds.): Abstracts des Workshops "Grundlagen von Datenbanken", Volkse (Germany). Technische Universität Braunschweig, Informatik-Berichte, no. 89-02 (1989)
[Show BibTeX]- Technische Berichte
Svetlana Arifulina, Marie Christin Platenius, Christian Gerth, Steffen Becker, Gregor Engels, Wilhelm Schäfer: Configuration of Specification Language and Matching for Services in On-The-Fly Computing. , no. tr-ri-14-342. Heinz Nixdorf Institute, University of Paderborn (2014)
[PDF] [Show BibTeX]Zille Huma, Christian Gerth, Gregor Engels: Automated Service Discovery and Composition for On-the-Fly SOAs. , no. tr-ri-13-333. University of Paderborn, Germany (2013)
[PDF] [Show BibTeX]Christian Gerth, Markus Luckey, Jochen Küster, Gregor Engels: Detection of Semantically Equivalent Fragments for Business Process Model Change Management. IBM Research Report, no. 3767. IBM Research - Zurich (2010)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX]Marc Lohmann, Jan-Peter Richter, Gregor Engels, Baris Güldali, Oliver Juwig, Stefan Sauer: Semantische Beschreibung von Enterprise Services – Eine industrielle Fallstudie. s-lab report, no. 1. University of Paderborn, s-lab (2006)
[Show Abstract] [Show BibTeX] [Link]Gregor Engels, Jan Hendrik Hausmann, Marc Lohmann, Stefan Sauer: Teaching UML is Teaching Software Engineering is Teaching Abstraction. Technical Report . Fakultät für Elektrotechnik,Informatik und Mathematik, Universität Paderborn (2005)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [DOI]Gregor Engels, Jochen Küster, Luuk Groenewegen: On the Specification and Analysis of Protocols in UML-RT. Technical report, no. 01-221 . University of Paderborn, Department of Computer Science (2001)
[Show BibTeX]Ralph Depke, Gregor Engels, Jochen Küster: On the Integration of Roles in the UML. Technical report, no. 214. University of Paderborn, Department of Computer Science (2000)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX]Gregor Engels, Ray Dassen, Luuk Groenewegen, Ida G. Sprinkhuizen-Kuyper, Pieter Koopman, Pieter Jan t'Hoen: A Formalisation of SOCCA using Z, part 1: The Type Level Concepts. Technical report, no. 1999-03. Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (1999)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [Link]Gregor Engels, Pieter Jan t'Hoen, Ray Dassen, Luuk Groenewegen, Ida G. Sprinkhuizen-Kuyper, Pieter Koopman: SOCCA Extended with UML like Packages. Technical report, no. 99-06. Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (1999)
[Show BibTeX]Gregor Engels, Roland Hücking, Stefan Sauer, Annika Wagner: UML Collaboration Diagrams and Their Transformation to Java. Technical report, no. 99-208. University of Paderborn, Department of Computer Science (1999)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX]Gregor Engels, Silvia Kolmschlag: Electronic Commerce Systeme als Anwendungsbeispiel für Evolutionstechniken. C-LAB report, no. 06/98. University of Paderborn, C-LAB (1998)
[Show BibTeX]Giorgio Busatto, Gregor Engels: Definition of an Encapsulated Hierarchical Graph Data Model: Static Aspects, Part 1.. Technical report, no. 96-38. Vakgroep Informatica, Rijksuniversiteit Leiden (1996)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX]Marc Andries, Gregor Engels, Annegret Habel, Berthold Hoffmann, Hans-Jörg Kreowski, Sabine Kuske, Detlef Plump, Andy Schürr, Gabriele Taentzer: Graph Transformation for Specification and Programming. Technical report, no. 7/96. University of Bremen, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science (1996)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX]Gregor Engels, Luuk Groenewegen, Gerti Kappel: Object-oriented Specification of Coordinated Collaboration. Technical report. Vakgroep Informatica, Rijksuniversiteit Leiden (1996)
[PDF] [Show BibTeX]Gregor Engels, Andy Schürr: Encapsulated Hierarchical Graphs, Graph Types, and Meta Types. Technical report, no. 95-21. Vakgroep Informatica, Rijksuniversiteit Leiden (1995)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX]Jürgen Ebert, Gregor Engels: Specialization of Object Life Cycle Definitions. Fachbericht Informatik, no. 19/95. University of Koblenz-Landau (1995)
[Show Abstract] [PDF] [Show BibTeX] [Link]Jürgen Ebert, Gregor Engels: Observable or Invocable Behaviour - You Have to Choose. Technical report, no. 94-38. Vakgroep Informatica, Rijksuniversiteit Leiden (1994)
[Show Abstract] [Show BibTeX]Marc Andries, Gregor Engels: A Hybrid Query Language for the Extended Entity Relationship Model. Technical Report, no. 93-15. Vakgroep Informatica, Rijksuniversiteit Leiden (1993)
[Show Abstract] [Show BibTeX]Gregor Engels, Grzegorz Rozenberg: Abstracts COMPUGRAPH II Workshop. Technical Report, no. 93-26. Vakgroep Informatica, Rijksuniversiteit Leiden (1993)
[Show BibTeX]Hartmut Ehrig, Gregor Engels: Towards a Module Concept for Graph Transformation Systems. Technical report, no. 93-34. Vakgroep Informatica, Rijksuniversiteit Leiden (1993)
[Show BibTeX]Gregor Engels: Visual Specifications of Conceptual Database Schemata (Abstract). Dagstuhl-Seminar-Report: Foundation of Information Systems Specification and Design. Leiden University (1992)
[Show BibTeX]Perdita Löhr-Richter, Gregor Engels: Incremental Design of Conceptual Database Schemata with CADDY. Technical report, no. 91-23. Vakgroep Informatica, Rijksuniversiteit Leiden (Leiden University, P.O. Box 9500, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands) (1991)
[Show BibTeX]Gregor Engels: Benutzerschnittstelle und Architektur der integrierten Datenbankentwurfsumgebung CADDY (Kurzfassung). Forschungsbericht, no. 89-02. TU Braunschweig (1989)
[Show BibTeX]Jürgen Ebert, Gregor Engels: Ein Konzept zur Beschreibung von Software-Architekturen. Fachberichte Informatik, no. 11/88. EWH Koblenz (1988)
[Show BibTeX]Gregor Engels, Udo Pletat, Hans-Dietrich Ehrich: Handling Errors and Exceptions in the Algebraic Specifications of Data Types. Technical report, no. OSM-I-3. University of Osnabrück (1981)
[Show BibTeX]Udo Pletat, Gregor Engels, Hans-Dietrich Ehrich: Operational Semantics of Algebraic Specifications with Conditional Equations. Technical report, no. 118. University of Dortmund, Department of Computer Science (1981)
[Show BibTeX]- Tutorialunterlagen
Gregor Engels: Principles of Service-Oriented Architectures (SOA). Tutorial at the 30th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE '08), Leipzig (Germany) (2008)
[Show Abstract] [Show BibTeX] [Link]Gregor Engels, Gerti Kappel: Object-Oriented System Development - From Analysis to Implementation. Tutorials at the European Software Engineering Conference (ESEC '93), Garmisch-Partenkirchen (Germany), the International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA '93), Prague (Czech Republic), and the International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE '94), Houston, TX (USA) (1993)
[Show Abstract] [Show BibTeX]Gregor Engels: Query Languages for the Extended ER Model. Tutorial at the workshop "SION Ph.D. Students Information Systems", Mierlo (The Netherlands) (1992)
[Show BibTeX]Jürgen Ebert, Gregor Engels: Design Description Methods. Tutorial at the European Conference on Software Engineering (ESEC '91), Milano (Italy) (1991)
[Show BibTeX]