Mod­ell­getriebene En­twicklung von Weban­wendun­gen (Web­Dev)

The focus of WebDev is the rapid development of web applications by model-based code generations. The models are generated by both graphic designers and software developers.

Members: Fabian ChristBaris Güldali

Contact personFabian Christ


Development of (dynamic) Web sites is often performed by teams consisting of graphic designers and software developers. Communication between these different team members has to be supported with a simple modeling approach that considers their different academic and professional backgrounds. Dynamic Web sites can contain multiple modules that may reappear on different pages. Reuse of both business logic and visual design modules would be desirable. Our work aims at providing a simple modeling approach based on the UML that supports code generation from the models to enable rapid application development in this area. The models can also be used for other purposes like test case generation or generation of documentations.


  • ProGUM-Web

Bachelor-, Diplom-, Masterthesis:

  • Pierre Arnold Nya Ndangang: Vergleichende Evaluierung von Technicken zur Modellierung und Realisierung von Web-Anwendungen, 2007
  • Tobias Eckardt: Generierung von Testfällen aus WebML Modellen, 2007 
  • Philip Diederich: Generierung von Prototypen dynamischer Websites aus UML-Modellen, 2003

