PhD Pro­gam

The Department of Computer Science offers graduates of the Diploma program and the Master’s program the opportunity to participate in the PhD program.

The numerous specialized research areas in the Computer Science Department at Paderborn and their research institutes (C-LAB, s-lab, PC², Heinz Nixdorf Institute) offer a wide range of topics and possibilities. On a regular basis, the university offers staff positions (only available in German) that include the opportunity to complete a PhD Thesis.

The Computer Science Department in Paderborn also participates in various support programs (post-graduate programs only available in German) for PhD candidates.

Because we value giving our young scientists highly-qualified support, we offer courses in university didactics (only available in German), and we also have a mentoring program designed especially for PhD candidates.

When a doctoral project is taken up, an examination of the admission requirements must be applied for at the PhD committee. The opening of a doctoral procedure is also applied for at the PhD committee. Forms with organizational information can be found on the page of the PhD committee.