Re­search Sem­in­ar SS 2017

April 21, 2017, 2 pm, room F1.110
Speaker: Ngoc Chi Banh
Title: An Asynchronous Adaptation of a Churn-resistant Overlay Network

April 28, 2017, 2 pm, room F2.211
Speaker: Christian Scheideler
Title: Algorithmen für ein Trusted Communication Modell, Teil II

May 2, 2017, 2 pm, room F1.110
Speaker: Linghui Luo
Title: MultiSkipList: A Self-stabilizing Overlay Network with Monotonic Searchability maintained

May 19, 2017, 2 pm, room F2.211
Speaker: Alexander Setzer
Title: Towards a new model for trusted computing

September 22, 2017, 2 pm, room F2.211
Speaker: Till Knollmann
Title: A self-stabilizing Protocol for Graphs of Diameter Two