
Video of talk at Banff International Research Station Workshop on Combinatorial Reconfiguration on "Reconfiguration in the quantum setting" now available, see Media for links.

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Senior researcher position in quantum algorithms (focus: Gaussian Boson Sampling, Universal photonic quantum computing) available, see Openings for details.

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Video of UC Berkeley/MIT Quantum CS seminar on "Quantum space, ground space traversal, and how to embed multi-prover interactive proofs into unentanglement" available

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Postdoc position for "Professional training for platform-independent and photonic quantum computing (" available, see Openings for details!

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Videos of QIP 2022 talks now available, see Media for links. Thanks to Caltech for uploading these!

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Two announcements: The CS Department at Uni Paderborn is looking to hire a Junior Research Group Leader in Quantum Computing. There will be a Quantum Computing School for graduate students and postdocs at Bad Honnef in August 2022, details and registration info here.

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Paper accepted to STOC 2022: Dequantizing the Quantum Singular Value Transformation: Hardness and Applications to Quantum Chemistry and the Quantum PCP Conjecture (joint work with Francois Le Gall).

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Thank you to the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) for funding proposal "Professional training for platform-independent and photonic quantum computing", project number 13N16224, UPB's part of a multi-institution grant led by the University of Jena.

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Two postdoc and two PhD positions now available in our group, see Openings for details!

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Congratulations to Dorian Rudolph, who was awarded an UPB Outstanding Thesis prize for his Masters thesis titled "On the power of P with access to a QMA oracle"!

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Papers accepted to QIP 2022: Dequantizing the Quantum Singular Value Transformation: Hardness and Applications to Quantum Chemistry and the Quantum PCP Conjecture (joint work with Francois Le Gall) Quantum space, ground space traversal, and how to embed multi-prover interactive proofs into unentanglement (joint work with Dorian Rudolph, to be posted on arXiv "soon")

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Preprint of "Dequantizing the Quantum Singular Value Transformation: Hardness and Applications to Quantum Chemistry and the Quantum PCP Conjecture" (joint work with Francois le Gall) now available.

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Preprint of ``On polynomially many queries to NP or QMA oracles'' (joint work with Dorian Rudolph, to appear in ITCS 2022) now available.

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Video of "What might a quantum computer be good for?"​​​​​​​ at 2021 German-American Frontiers of Engineering Symposium posted.

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Thank you to the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) for funding proposal "Characterizing the complexity of physical quantum problems with oracle complexity classes", project number 450041824. Be on the lookout for an new PhD position opening over the next months hopefully.

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