
Three updates: 1) Congratulations to our Masters graduates (in alphabetical order) Jannes Stubbemann and Dorian Rudolph! 2) Dr. Gharibian will be taking on a Coordinating Editor role at Quantum.

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Video of research talk "How hard is it to simulate local measurements on ground states of many-body systems?" at Boston College's Quantum Fluids in Isolation virtual seminar posted.

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New preprint posted to the arXiv: J. D. Watson, J. Bausch, S. Gharibian. The complexity of translationally invariant problems beyond ground state energies. arXiv:2012.12717, 2020.

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Video lectures for the winter offering of Quantum Complexity Theory available

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Interview with German weekly national newspaper Die Zeit published (article written by Andreas Loos): "Die Mathematiker der Tafelrunde". Discusses interactive proofs and the recent MIP*=RE breakthrough of Ji, Natarajan, Vidick, Wright, and Yuen. (Text in German.)

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Our Summer 2020 offering of course "Introduction to Quantum Computation" has been nominated for a Good Practices Digital Teaching Distinction. Hope you enjoyed the course!

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Paper to appear in Communications in Mathematical Physics (CMP): On efficiently solvable cases of Quantum k-SAT, joint work with Marco Aldi (Virginia Commonwealth U, USA), Niel de Beaudrap (U of Oxford, UK), Seyran Saeedi (Virginia Commonwealth U, USA).

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Paper accepted to TQC 2020: "Towards quantum one-time memories from stateless hardware", joint work with Anne Broadbent (U of Ottawa, Canada) and Hong-Sheng Zhou (Virginia Commonwealth University, USA).

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Paper accepted to STACS 2020: "Oracle complexity classes and local measurements on physical Hamiltonians", joint work with Stephen Piddock (U of Bristol, UK) and Justin Yirka (UT Austin, USA).

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Finally had a chance to record this intro to quantum computing for a public audience talk: Quantum Computing for Big Boys and Girls. No background in CS or quantum required. Safe for use on high school students up to grandparents. Feel free to share with anyone interested, and have fun!

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Thanks to Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) funding for project number 432788384 ("The Quantum Satisfiability Problem: Algorithms and Complexity-Theoretic Hardness"), a new PhD position is available.

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Our papers "Almost optimal classical approximation algorithms for a quantum generalization of Max-Cut" (joint work with O. Parekh) and "Oracle complexity classes and local measurements on physical Hamiltonians" (joint work with S. Piddock and J. Yirka) have been accepted to QIP 2020.

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Paper "The complexity of simulating local measurements on quantum systems" (joint work with Justin Yirka (U of Texas at Austin)) published in Quantum.

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"Almost Optimal Classical Approximation Algorithms for a Quantum Generalization of Max-Cut", joint with Ojas Parekh (Sandia National Labs, USA), has been published in the proceedings of APPROX 2019.

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New preprint posted to arXiv: S. Gharibian, S. Piddock and J. Yirka. Oracle complexity classes and local measurements on physical Hamiltonians. Available at quant-ph/1909.05981, 2019.

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