L.079.05816: Soft­ware Qua­li­ty Ass­uran­ce (SS 2014)


The aim of the lecture is to cover approaches, technologies and strategies related to quality assurance for software systems. These include on the one hand constructive approaches such as design patterns, domain-specific languages and model driven development, and on the other hand analytic approaches such as static and dynamic testing, monitoring and model checking. Furthermore, approaches for the improvement of the software development process and international standards like ISO 9001, 9126, CMM, SPICE etc. will be covered.

08.08.2014The lecture notes are available in Koala now
10.07.2014The fifth assignment is online
27.06.2014The fourth assignment is online
03.06.2014Because of the summer festival, the tutorial on Thursday, June 5, takes place in another room: H6
30.05.2014The third assignment is online
15.05.2014The second assignment is online
30.04.2014The first assignment is online
24.04.2014The tutorial on Tuesday is replaced by the new tutorial on Friday
03.04.2014The first lecture takes place on April 10 and the first tutorial on May 6.

Homepage ist online.

Lecture and Tutorials
Lecture:Thursday, 09:15 - 11:45D2
Tutorials:Thursday, 11:15 - 12:45 (May 8, May 22, June 5, July 3, July 17)D1.312 (H6 on June 5)
Friday, 16:15 - 17:45 (May 9, May 23, June 6, July 4, July 18)E2.310



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