L.079.05816: Soft­ware Qua­li­ty Ass­uran­ce (SS 2019)


The aim of the lecture is to cover approaches, technologies and strategies related to quality assurance for software systems. These include on the one hand constructive approaches such as design patterns, domain-specific languages and model driven development, and on the other hand analytic approaches such as static and dynamic testing, and monitoring. Furthermore, approaches for the improvement of the software development process and international standards like ISO 9001, 9126, CMM etc. will be covered.





There will be two dates for the written exam: June 22 and September 18. In order to be allowed to write the exam, you need to pass the Studienleistung (see separate mail for more information).

The written exam will take 90 minutes and span across the whole lectures content.

For students doing the 4 ECTS lecture, because they are in the old master's program or study Wirtschaftsinformatik, the topics Design Thinking and Testing will not be relevant. Depending on how many tasks there will be in the exam on those topics, the time to complete the exam will be reduced.

The lecture on Design Thinking will be this Monday and the lectures on Testing will be on June 24 and July 1. Please note that only the first part (8:15-9:45) of Monday's lecture is about Design Thinking. The second part (10:00-10:45) will discuss the rest of Tutorial 3, contain a small exercise PPSL and discuss again the relation of the observer pattern to MVC.



We will do the Studienleistung in form of an online test on Panda in the week from June 10 - 16, 2019. During this timeframe you need to log on to Panda and complete the test labeled Studienleistung. When and where you complete the test within that week is up to you. You can do the test at most two times in the given time period. In order to be allowed to write the exam, you need at least 50% of all points. You can do the test two times and your highest score will be taken into account.

The test will consist roughly of 30-35 questions, which can differ between students. We make sure that the even if the questions differ, the test will be equally difficult. The content of the test spans across basic understanding of UML and the content of the lectures up to June 3 (including the one on that day): UML, Terminology, Standards, Constructive Approaches and the first lecture on Analytical approaches. Design Thinking is excluded from the test. The test will consist of multiple choice, drag-and-drop, sorting and text-completion questions.

We recommend that you do the test on a regular computer and not on a smartphone/tablet, since a bigger screen is advisable for the drag-and-drop questions. Additionally, we do not know how well the test works with touch input and mobile browsers. JavaScript needs to be enabled in order to do the test.

In case of any questions, please contact Dennis Wolters or Klementina Josifovska.


Room for the lecture changed to P5 2.03 and this semester we offer three exercise groups. Please find below the information regarging the rooms and starting time. Please note that lectures and tutorials on Monday take place on the main campus, while the tutorials on Tuesday and Wednesday take place in HNI.

There will be no lecture and exercises in the weeks: April 22 – 28, June 10 – 16.

2019-02-18 Homepage is online. More information on the lecture will be available at the beginning of the semester.
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