L.079.05735 Ad­van­ced Soft­ware En­gi­nee­ring: Me­thods, Ar­chi­tec­tu­res, In­dus­tri­al Ap­p­li­ca­ti­ons (in Eng­lish)

Welcome to Advanced Software Engineering: Methods, Architectures, Industrial Applications


This course covers advanced and novel software engineering topics from a research as well as an industrial perspective. Lectures on basic concepts of development methods and architectures of software systems are paired with lectures on industrial applications and experience. These lectures on industrial applications are given by senior experts from industrial partners. They will illustrate the introduced concepts with several real life industrial examples.

The setting of this new course allows students to get insights into novel concepts of Software Engineering as well as into their usage in industrial contexts. It also allows students to come into direct contact with experts from their later working fields.


The course will cover topics like

  • Architecture (Service-oriented Architecture, Microservices, Web Services, Mobile Architectures, Architectural Frameworks)
  • Methods (Agile Software Development Methods like Scrum, Situational Method Engineering, Requirements Engineering)
  • Project Management (Effort Estimation, Economics of Software Projects)


Unfortunately, tomorrows exercise on Advanced Software Engineering has to be canceled due to sickness. All participants of tomorrows group are welcome to join Friday's exercise group from 11:15 to 12:45 in Room D1.303.

Our lecturer for today is unable to make it to Paderborn in time for the lecture due to yesterday's storm. Today's lecture as well as the exercise in the afternoon are canceled. Similarly, the monday and friday morning exercise of next week are canceled as well. Part of the content will be moved to tomorrow's block session and the lecture next week.

2018-01-12On January 20, 2018 we will have the second saturday block session. It will start at 9:15 in Room F1.110 at the Fürstenallee.
2017-10-06The first lecture will be on October 13th.We will start with the exercise groups right after the second lecture (October 20th). Hence, there will be no exercise groups on the 9th, 13th, and 16th of October.
2017-07-30Homepage is online.

 Lectures und Exercises:

VLecture:FridaysProf. Dr. Gregor Engels14:15 - 15:45Lecture Hall C2

Saturdays - Two Industrial block sessions (November 18, 2017 and January 20, 2018)

Prof. Dr. Gregor Engels09:15 - 17:00*F1.110
ÜExercises:Mondays (starting October 23)Dennis Wolters11:15 - 12:45F2.211
Fridays (starting October 27)Dennis Wolters11:15-12:45D1.303
Fridays (starting October 20)Dennis Wolters16:00 - 17:30O1.258

 *= This time frame includes lecture, exercises, and various break. More details on the schedule will be made available in the future.



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