Block Se­mi­nar: Crowd­sour­cing

The ‚Crowdsourcing‘ research seminar is offered within the ‚Digitale Zukunft‘ project. The project is an interdisciplinary collaboration between Paderborn University and Bielefeld University in the fields of business administration, electrical engineering, computer science, psychology and sociology. The ‚Digitale Zukunft‘ project has the purpose of investigating the crowdsourcing as an alternative model of work for both employees and employers from different points of view.

This research seminar is a cooperation among four different research groups from both universities, namely our group and Prof. Schneider’s group (from Paderborn University), Prof. Maier’s and Prof. Diewald’s group (from Bielefeld University). Since the format of this seminar is slightly different from an ordinary seminar, there are some important remarks below for the interested students to consider.

Important remarks:

  • The final presentations will take place within four days, two days at Paderborn University and the other two days at Bielefeld University.
  • It is obligatory for all participants to be present at four final presentations at both universities.
    You can see the map of Bielefeld University and CITEC building (shown with a red dashed rectangle) in order to get the information regarding bus station or parking lot near the building.
    Link to the map:
  • Our group offers six different topics for the seminar. It means that maximum six students can do this seminar with our group.
  • Since we are the only group who present the seminar in English, the applicants need to have a level of proficiency in German language so that they are able to understand other groups’ presentations.
  • The applicants need to be registered for the seminar before the kickoff meeting which will be held on October 17, 2017 where we give an introduction into the organizational part of the seminar.
  • The applicants should determine their topic at the kickoff meeting. In case of two applicants for one topic, one student will be chosen by lottery. Therefore, at the end of the kickoff meeting the participants of the seminar will be selected.
  • The participants of each group will hold their talks at the same day meaning that we are going to have up to six presentations at each day.

Besides, every participant has the following tasks:

1. Written outline for the selected topic

  • On November 16, 2017 a written outline for the selected topic must be submitted.

2. Short presentation of topic and task

  • On December 19, 2017 everyone has to present his/her topic and task briefly (5 minute presentation, 10 minutes for feedback)
  • The short presentation should ensure that every participant understood the selected topic/task and gets intermediate feedback.

3. Prepare and present talk for the selected topic

  • Contact with the supervisor on a regular base
  • Max. time slot for presentation: 30 minutes
  • Time slot for presentation and discussion: 45 minutes

4. Written versions for the selected topic

  • Min. length: 10 pages
  • Max. length: 14 pages
  • Template LNCS: LaTex or Word

5. Presence in all meetings and obeying of all deadlines (see important dates)

6. Review of two other seminar theses

  • At the beginning of the review phase each student receives two preliminary versions of theses on other seminar topics which should be reviewed.
  • The review phase starts on January 6, 2018 and ends on January 17, 2018.

7. Active participation in the discussions

  • On the January 5, 2018 all written versions will be accessible.
  • Two questions for each selected presentation (to be determined) have to be prepared and send to Zahra Nouri by the January 17, 2018.
  • The questions shall critically investigate the presented topics. Of course, questions for comprehension are allowed after each talk, but are not sufficient for submission.

8. The students are required to participate at least once in a crowd working activity with the students of other three groups and then report their experience in a defined format (more detailed information will be available soon).

The final presentation of our group will be held in the end of the semester (January 19, 2018 in Room ZM1.01-28 at the Zukunftsmeile).

Please note that presence at the final presentations of other groups is obligatory for all the participants.

More Information on the seminar can be found in the seminar guidelines.

All the submissions (outline, thesis, slides) must be uploaded to the SVN:
Please use the folder named after your IMT-Login.



  •  Master 2004:
    • Module III.1.2: Softwaretechnik II
    • Module III.1.5: Datenbanken und Informationssysteme
    • Module III.1.6: Data and Knowledge Engineering

  • Master 2009:
    • Module III.1.1: Modellbasierte SWE
    • Module III.1.3: Datenbanken und Informationssysteme
    • Module III.1.6: Konstruktive Methoden des SE
  • Master 2017:
    • Computer Science Studies: Seminars
    • Computer Engineering Studies: Compulsory Area
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