L.079.05816: Soft­ware Qua­li­ty Ass­uran­ce (WS 2018/19)



The aim of the lecture is to cover approaches, technologies and strategies related to quality assurance for software systems. These include on the one hand constructive approaches such as design patterns, domain-specific languages and model driven development, and on the other hand analytic approaches such as static and dynamic testing, and monitoring. Furthermore, approaches for the improvement of the software development process and international standards like ISO 9001, 9126, CMM etc. will be covered.




Starting from 03.12.2018, the tutorials on Tuesday will take place in Room F1.110 (instead F2.211). The room for the tutorials on Thursday remains the same - F1.110.


There will be no tutorials on 30.10.2018 and 01.11.2018.

We will continue with tutorials on 06.11.2018 and 08.11.2018.

2018-09-07 We would like to inform you that the first lecture will take place on 15th of October in room F1.110 at 08:00.
2018-08-13 Homepage is online. More information on the lecture will be available at the beginning of the semester.


Lectures und Exercises
V Lecture: Monday Prof. Dr. Gregor Engels 08:00 - 11:00 F1.110
Ü Exercises
(Group 1):
Tuesday  Klementina Josifovska 14:00 - 16:00 F2.211
Ü Exercises
(Group 2):
Thursday  Klementina Josifovska 14:00 - 16:00 F1.110



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