
Con­ti­nuous Si­tua­ti­on-spe­ci­fic De­ve­lop­ment of Busi­ness Mo­dels: Know­led­ge Pro­vi­si­on, Me­thod Com­po­si­ti­on, Me­thod Enact­ment

Unser Papier "Continuous Situation-specific Development of Business Models: Knowledge Provision, Method Composition, Method Enactment" wurde im International Journal on Software and Systems Modeling (SoSyM) akzeptiert.

Sebastian Gottschalk, Enes Yigitbas, Alexander Nowosad, Gregor Engels: Continuous Situation-specific Development of Business Models: Knowledge Provision, Method Composition, Method Enactment. In International Journal on Software and Systems Modeling (SoSyM). Springer, 2022. (to appear)
