Som­mersemester 2021

About this semester: Seminars of last semester were moved to this semester. There will not be a lecture "Interactive Data Visualization" (IDV) this term. The last IDV lecture was in SS2020, followed by two final exams (July and October 2020). There might not be any further lectures on IDV in the coming semesters.

Rendering Algorithmen (Bachelor, Informatikgebiet Daten und Wissen):

Für Studierende, die Mathematik in Algorithmen mögen. Studierende aus der Warteliste vom Wintersemester 2020/21 werden automatisch als Teilnehmer eingetragen. Keine Selbsteintragung. Kommunikation wird über PANDA ablaufen.


Current Topics in Visualization (Master, in English):

Pick this seminar only if you passed the course "Interactive Data Visualization" with a good grade. Students on the waiting list will automatically be registered for this course. No self-registration. All communication will be over PANDA.


Topics on Time-Varying Data Visualization (Master, in English): 

Pick this seminar only if you passed the course "Interactive Data Visualization" with a good grade. Students on the waiting list will automatically be registered for this course. No self-registration. All communication will be over PANDA.

Further information: