Head of Research Group
Prof. Dr. Gitta Domik-Kienegger
![Prof. Dr. Gitta Domik-Kienegger Prof. Dr. Gitta Domik-Kienegger](https://pm.uni-paderborn.de/_Resources/Persistent/Thumbnails/220x315/90.png)
Latest Publications
EUROGRAPHICS 2021: Education Papers Frontmatter
B. Sousa Santos, G. Domik, eds., EUROGRAPHICS 2021: Education Papers Frontmatter, Eurographics Association , 2021.
Adding atmospheric scattering and transparency to a deferred rendering pipeline for camera based ADAS tests
S. Heppner, M. Dransfeld, G. Domik, in: M. Pinzger, H. Mayr (Eds.), Informatik 2016, Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., Bonn, 2016, pp. 1591–1604.
A Deferred Rendering Pipeline Including a Global Illumination Model for Atmospheric Scattering and Transparency
S. Heppner, M. Dransfeld, G. Domik, in: M. Hullin, M. Stamminger, T. Weinkauf (Eds.), Vision, Modeling & Visualization, The Eurographics Association, 2016.
A data visualization course at the university of paderborn
G. Domik, in: Pedagogy Data Visualization, IEEE VIS Workshop, Baltimore, 2016.
In-Class Exercise for Shadow Mapping Algorithms
A. Wiens, G. Domik, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 35 (2015) 15–19.
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Sigrid Gundelach
Room: F2.207
Phone: (+49)5251 606655
Email: Sigrid.Gundelach[at]uni-paderborn.de
Office Hours:
Visiting hours on the right side. Please mail for an appointment.
Professor Domik headed the research group “Computer Graphics, Visualization and Image Processing“ at the Department of Computer Science at Paderborn University until her retirement (September 30, 2021).
She was a member of (status 2021)
- Eurographics 2021 Organizing Committee (Education Papers Co-Chair)
- Co-Chair Graphics & Visual Computing Journal, Special Section on CG Education in Times of Covid
- International Program Committee of Eurographics 2020 Education Papers
- ACM SIGGRAPH Distinguished Educator Award Committee
- ACM SIGGRAPH Education Committee
- IEEE (Senior Member), ACM (Senior Member), GI (German Society of Computer Science) and Eurographics
- 2020 "Weierstraß-Preis für ausgezeichnete Lehre" (Teaching Excellence Award of Faculty)
- 2016/2017 IEEE and ACM Senior Membership
- 2002 "Weierstraß-Preis für ausgezeichnete Lehre" (Teaching Excellence Award of Faculty)
- 1995 Undergraduate Computational Engineering and Science Award (by Dept. of Energy, USA) together with Elizabeth Jessup, Lloyd Fosdick and Carolyn Schauble
- 1986 IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing 1986 "Best Paper Award"
Most Recent Services for the Scientific Community and the University
- 2015-2019 Vice Dean of the Faculty for Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Mathematics
- 2011-2016 Member of the Editorial Board, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications
Over the past 10 years her research interests were in the field of medical graphics, games engineering, serious games, and virtual traffic scenes; curricula development in data visualization.
Curriculum Vitae
My research and teaching interests are in visualization, computer graphics, and image processing.. Before joining the University of Paderborn in 1993 I was a research assistant professor at the Department of Computer Science at the University of Colorado at Boulder (USA). My previous professional life was spent with positions at the Center for Astrophysics and Space Astronomy at the University of Colorado (1987-1990), at Vexcel Corporation in Boulder (1985-1987), and the institute for image processing and computer graphics at the research center Joanneum (1982-1985) in Graz, Austria. I graduated from the Technical University Graz, Austria, with a Master's Degree ("Diplomingenieur") in 1981, and with a PhD in 1985.