Pro­ject Group: Im­mers­ive Di­git­al Twin-Driv­en Sys­tems and Soft­ware En­gin­eer­ing (IDT-SSE)


Intelligent technical systems are highly complex products, characterized by a close interaction between hard- and software. Their design and implementation require an interdisciplinary research approach as well as specific concepts, methods, and tools to manage the complexity. Research and industry leverage Digital Twins (DTs) to control and manage as well as to design new intelligent technical systems. However, the representation of and interaction with DTs is often complex and not intuitive. The use of immersive technologies such as virtual and augmented reality in the representation and interaction with DTs can remedy this. In this project group, we explore the integration of DTs and immersive environments to foster systems and software engineering (SSE). For this purpose, the potential of digital twin and immersive technologies are investigated for several activities in SSE (e.g., requirements engineering, software design & architecture, implementation, testing).


  • Literature research on the topics of immersive technologies and how they can support SSE
  • Conceptualization and Design of XR apps fostering SSE through immersive digital twins
  • Prototypical Implementation of of XR apps fostering SSE through immersive digital twins
  • Experiment-based evaluation of the implemented approach


  • Sound programming skills in an object-oriented language, e.g. Java, C#
  • 3D Programming, experience with Unity Engine
  • Motivation to work in an agile team, self-organize yourself, and be creative!

Course information

  • The project group will be conducted in English (unless all participants agree with the German language)
  • Computer science (CS) and engineering (CE) students are welcome
      - CS students get 20 ECTS, CE students 18 ECTS
Further information: