L.079.05816: Soft­ware Qual­ity As­sur­ance (SS 2012)


The aim of the lecture is to cover approaches, technologies and strategies related to quality assurance for software systems. These include on the one hand constructive approaches such as design patterns, domain-specific languages and model driven development, and on the other hand analytic approaches such as static and dynamic testing, monitoring and model checking. Furthermore, approaches for the improvement of the software development process and international standards like ISO 9001, 9126, CMM, SPICE etc. will be covered.

06/12/2012 The last tutorial (starting next week) will be a practical one. To participate in this tutorial, you need to bring your own laptop, and you need to install some software on that laptop (for which you will not have time during the tutorial). For the software to be installed, please refer to the installation instructions.
06/12/2012 Due to a public holiday, last week's Thursday tutorial didn't take place. As announced last time, that tutorial will therefore take place this week in room D1.312 (as usual).
05/02/2012 Please note that tomorrow's tutorial will take place in room NW2.857 (i.e., building NW, floor 2, room 857).

Due to lack of attendance, last week's Thursday tutorial did not take place. If you have forgotten about the start of the tutorials, here's your second chance: The tutorial will be repeated this Thursday - from next week on, it will then take place every odd week as announced.

04/23/2012 Note that due to the fact that only very few students showed up at 9:00, the lecture will from Wednesday on again start at 9:15.
04/17/2012 Reminder: Please do not forget that from tomorrow on, the lecture will start at 9:00 (not 9:15). Note that the starting times of the Wednesday tutorials have been adjusted accordingly (see below).
04/05/2012 As you might have noticed, not all organizational information is provided in English (e.g. registration  for exams, "Modulhandbuch"). If you have questions for which you can not find according information on the Institut für Informatik's web pages, please refer to the Computer Science Learning Center.
03/26/2012 The first lecture will take place on April 4th. The tutorials are going to start in week 17, i.e., the first tutorial will take place on April 25th.

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Lecture and Tutorials
Lecture: Wednesday, 9:15 - 10:45 D2
Tutorials: Wednesday, 11:00 - 12:30 (odd weeks) D1.312
  Wednesday, 11:00 - 12:30 (even weeks) D1.312
  Thursday, 14:15 - 15:45 (odd weeks) D1.312