

06.04.2016The kick-off meeting of the seminar will take place on April 14, 9:00 in Room ZM1.01-28. Participation is obligatory in order to be allowed to participate in the seminar.
06.04.2016The website is online. More information on the seminar will be available soon.



Maintaining the consistency of related sources of information is not an easy task: Even in relatively simple cases where only artefacts of the same type are synchronised (Dropbox, Trello, Googledocs), little or no support is provided for resolving conflicts or configuring which types of artefacts are involved (e.g., code, diagrams, XML files), what exactly consistency is for a specific application scenario, and how it should be restored and maintained.

In industrial practice today, semi-automated consistency maintenance is actually much more involved as most processes are concurrent and involve multiple stakeholders from different disciplines, all collaborating using different tools and formats. 

In this seminar, we shall explore the wide range of research areas addressing consistency maintenance, with the aim of developing an understanding for involved challenges and the differences and similarities between existing techniques and approaches. 

For further information, take a look at
, and



Jun.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Anthony Anjorin



  •  Master 2004:
    • Module III.1.2: Softwaretechnik II
    • Module III.1.5: Datenbanken und Informationssysteme
    • Module III.1.6: Data and Knowledge Engineering

  • Master 2009:
    • Module III.1.1: Modellbasierte SWE
    • Module III.1.3: Datenbanken und Informationssysteme
    • Module III.1.6: Konstruktive Methoden des SE