Sem­in­ar: Re­cent Ad­vances in Mixed Real­ity Soft­ware and Tech­no­logy

Seminar Information

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) have been a topic of intense research in the last decades. In the past few years, massive advances in affordable consumer hardware and accessible software frameworks are now bringing AR and VR to the masses. Plenty of devices and applications are now finding their way to the end-users, suggesting AR and VR will be the next big platform for interactive computing. In this context, especially the topic of Mixed Reality is gaining popularity and widespread usage in various domains. MR is the merging of real and virtual worlds to produce new environments and visualizations, where physical and digital objects co-exist and interact in real time.

The objective of this seminar is to explore and study recent advances in Mixed Reality Software and Technology. Besides basic skills on how to conduct scientific research, read, write, present, and give feedback on scientific publications and presentations, the participants will acquire basic conceptual, technical, and practical skills in developing AR/VR applications. We will address the unique challenges of AR/VR/MR by especially investigating the following questions:

  • Conceptual basics of AR/VR interfaces: The AR/VR continuum
  • How to design AR/VR interfaces with high UX
  • Visual and Haptic interfaces for VR/AR
  • Typical Application Domains of AR/VR

Course number and language

This is course L.079.08015.

The teaching language will be English. Informal communication in German is permitted.

Registration and topic assignments

If you would like to take part in a seminar in Summer Semester 2021, you must register for the course.
Further information can be found on the Website or
See also:
Zuordnungsverfahren für Projektgruppen/Seminare
Matching method for project groups/seminars


Every participant has the following tasks:

1. Submit written outline and initial literature overview for the selected topic

2. Short presentation of topic and task (DL: TBA)

  • The short presentation should ensure that every participant understood the selected topic/task and gets feedback intermediate feedback.

3. Long presentation of your seminar work (DL: TBA)

4. Submission seminar thesis (DL: TBA)

5. Presence in all meetings and obeying of all deadlines

6. Review of two other seminar theses

  • At the beginning of the review phase each student receives two preliminary versions of theses on other seminar topics which should be reviewed.

7. Active participation in the discussions