
03.02.2014The schedule for the presentations can be found here. The presentations will be held in room ZM1.01-28 at the Zukunftsmeile.
24.01.2014The maximum length of a seminar elaboration is increased to 14 pages.

We updated the information on the seminar (see below) and added a list of the important dates.

Please note that on October 30, 16:30 in room ZM1.01-28 an introduction to scientific working will be given by Jun.-Prof. Steffen Becker. Attendance is mandatory.


The kick-off meeting of the seminar will take place on October 21, 11:15 am in Room ZM1.01-28. Participation is obligatory in order to be allowed to participate in the seminar.

There is a restriction of max. 15 participants for the seminar. In case that more than 15 students attend at the kick-off meeting, it is decided by lot who will be allowed to attend.

The list of available seminar topics can be found here.

30.09.2013The website is online. More information on the seminar will be available soon.


Every participant has the following tasks:

1. Prepare and present talk for selected to

  • Contact with the supervisor on a regular base
  • Max. time slot for presentation: 30 minutes
  • Time slot for presentation and discussion: 45 minutes

2. Written versions for the selected topic

  • Max. length: 14 pages (LNCS)  Templates: LaTex or Word

3. Presence in all meetings and obeying of all deadlines (see important dates)

4. Review of two other seminar theses

  • Each student has to review two other seminar theses
  • The review phase starts on January 6, 2014 January 7, 2014 and ends on January 19, 2014 January 20, 2014.
  • At the beginning of the review phase each student receives two preliminary versions of theses on other seminar topics which should be reviewed.
  • The reviews have to be submitted until January 19, 2014 January 20, 2014

5. Active participation in the discussions

  • On the January 31, 2014 all written versions can be found on the homepage.
  • Two questions for each selected presentation (to be determined) have to be prepared and send to Dennis Bokermann by the February 5, 2014.
  • The questions shall critically investigate the presented topics. Of course, questions for comprehension are allowed after each talk, but are not sufficient for submission.

The seminar will be held as block seminar in the end of the semester (February 6 and 7, 2014).

Further information can be found in the seminar guidelines.

All the submissions (outline, thesis, slides) must be uploaded into the SVN:
Please use the folder named after your IMT-Login.





Prof. Dr. Engels





  •  Master 2004:
    • Module III.1.2: Softwaretechnik II
    • Module III.1.5: Datenbanken und Informationssysteme
    • Module III.1.6: Data and Knowledge Engineering

  • Master 2009:
    • Module III.1.1: Modellbasierte SWE
    • Module III.1.3: Datenbanken und Informationssysteme
    • Module III.1.6: Konstruktive Methoden des SE


Further information: