
CrossEcore: An Ex­tend­ible Frame­work to Use Ecore and OCL across Plat­forms

Our poster "CrossEcore: An Extendible Framework to Use Ecore and OCL across Platforms" was accepted at the 40th International Conference on Software Engineering.

Today, model-driven approaches is a cornerstone in modern software development. The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) is highly adopted in practice and generates Java code from platform-independent models with embedded Object Constraint Language (OCL) expressions. However, applications that target multiple platforms like Android, iOS, Windows, web browsers usually need to be implemented in different programming languages. Feature-complete Ecore and OCL runtime APIs are not available for all these platforms, such that their functionality has to be re-implemented. In this paper, we present CrossEcore: A multi-platform enabled modeling framework that generates C#, Swift, TypeScript, and JavaScript code from Ecore models with embedded OCL. An OCL compiler translates OCL expressions into expressions of the target language. The Ecore and OCL API can be consistently used across platforms, which facilitates application portability. CrossEcore is also extensible and can be easily adopted for new programming languages.

S. Schwichtenberg, I. Jovanovikj, C. Gerth, and G. Engels, "Poster: CrossEcore: An Extendible Framework to Use Ecore and OCL across Platforms," in Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE 2018 - Companion Volume, Gothenburg, Sweden.