Our paper Multi-Staged Quality Assurance for Self-Adaptive Systems has been accepted for presentation at the Workshop on EVALUATION for SELF-ADAPTIVE and SELF-ORGANIZING SYSTEMS. The Workshop is held in conjuction with the International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems 2012 (<link http: www.saso-conference.org _self external-link-new-window external link in new>SASO'12).
<link http: is.uni-paderborn.de _self>Markus Luckey, Christian Thanos, <link http: is.uni-paderborn.de en research-group fg-engels people visitenkarten gerth business-card.html internal-link internal link in current>Christian Gerth, <link http: is.uni-paderborn.de en research-group fg-engels people visitenkarten gregor-engels gregor-engels.html internal-link internal link in current>Gregor Engels: Multi-Staged Quality Assurance for Self-Adaptive Systems. In Proceedings of 1st International Workshop on EVALUATION for SELF-ADAPTIVE and SELF-ORGANIZING SYSTEMS at SASO'12 (to appear). (2012)